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A world takes you away from your life's mission

The Soul and its Original Mission

When we arrive on earth and take on a body, we are first and foremost a soul with a particular mission to fulfil.

This mission is a foundation within you, a truth of your own, a particular ray. This ray is your colour, your musical note, it's you, it's your soul, it's who you really are.

When you let this ray express itself, you experience happiness inside, you feel yourself, you taste authenticity.

The Influence of the Outside World

Every being born on earth comes with a mission, and the real purpose of our life is to fulfil that mission, but from the moment we are born, we enter a complex world that wants to steer us in another direction.

This world educates us in its own way through our parents, our family, the institutions in place, the values conveyed, the way of life... It inculcates in us ways of thinking, ways of looking at life, concepts, ideas that make us want and desire certain things, live in a certain way. Unbeknownst to us, this world fertilises us, ultimately leading us towards thoughts, desires, behaviours and actions that will take us far from ourselves, far from our life mission, far from our soul, and cause us to slide little by little towards a loss of authenticity.

In the end, we don't know who we are or what we came here to do.

Over time, we forget what makes us truly and deeply happy. We serve as food for a world that needs us to carry out its projects.

Loss of Authenticity and Connection with the Soul

This world has devalued us in relation to what we originally were: souls, but also sincere, honest, happy children who wanted to enjoy life, to have experiences, to be real, to radiate and share what they are. At some point in our lives, pressure is put on us, we are formatted by being told that we have to become such and such a person, such and such a character. We have to be strong, responsible, make a life for ourselves, 'make it big', start a family and get everything that goes with it... That's not a bad thing as long as our life is really geared towards material success. But where it starts to pose a problem is when we don't know where we fit in this world, when we see that it doesn't suit us, when we crave something else.

The Path to Light and Self-Realisation

If you want to make a success of your life according to the criteria of the outside world that governs us, if you want to be opportunistic, if you want to build yourself a material life, there's no problem if that's your path, if you know what you're doing and you use the elements to do it. But when you go towards the Light, if you're looking for something else, you have to awaken pure, authentic feelings in yourself, feelings that originally belong to you and that aren't part of the hurt or disillusionment of the world.

You have to try to rediscover something that is truly pure, innocent, that was there, present in you when you arrived on earth.

Rediscovering Original Innocence and Purity

When you're searching, you start experimenting with new paths, taking different directions to try and find out if there's something else in life. But we go down these paths with the formatting we already carry, full of it, and we don't approach these unknown worlds in a pure, authentic way, like a child discovering life, taking in the elements it encounters, tasting them and deciding whether it likes them or not. We are brought up to look at and approach things in a certain way, full of concepts, and in the end we lose the innocence, the purity that we have inside us.

Mother tells us: "Be children, be authentic, be neutral, without interests" and I think she's right.

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