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Archangel Michael and the Dragon

The great hidden in the small

The celebration of Archangel Michael's Fire is set to become increasingly important in the future of humanity and the Earth.

It's the festival of awakened men who consciously commit themselves to the service of Fire and inner Light.

Archangel Michael is not only the guardian of what is divine and authentic in man, he is also the one who awakens right discernment, who possesses the ability to deliver the inner man from the dragon's grip and who separates the false from the true.

He leads man into the individualization of Light and inspires him to become a fiery creator. He is the Father of sacred, divine Fire. Whether you're looking at the sun, a candle flame, the starry sky or the radiant eyes of a happy child, you can discover the presence of the Archangel.

You need to develop this quality of discerning between what is true, eternal and perfect, and what is perishable, becoming and fleeting.

There's a fire within you that never goes out.

Even when you're asleep, it's present and awake. It cannot die, because it was never really born in the world of men. This fire is inside you, it's you, your innermost essence, your deepest being, but it's also outside you, it's the Divine in all beings.

To encounter this fire within yourself is to approach Archangel Michael.

Of course, you have to be prepared, because it can be a difficult experience.

When this flame ignites in your consciousness and sensitivity, you become a creator, first of yourself, of your mortal nature, and then of the outside world, of your destiny.

To take part in the Saint Michael's fire is to affirm one's will to ignite the divine flame within oneself and to awaken one's consciousness in the inner light. It's also about proclaiming your will to protect the divine teachings, the wisdom of the Earth and humanity. For wisdom is innate in man and also in the Earth.

The Father of Fire is the guardian of human freedom and initiative.
He protects the image of the true man, the man willed by God, whom the dragon wishes to distort.

It also protects all the virtues such as goodness, love, commitment... These virtues constitute God's word to man, his teaching. God's teaching is nothing other than virtues in action, alive and kicking. It is by communing with these virtues that man comes into contact with the Angels and truly studies the word of the Father. This word is not to be found in dead books and petrified dogmas, but in the breath of living virtues.

Archangel michael is the guardian of fidelity to god

He loves what is true, just, right and authentic. He stands at the gate of God's kingdom, keeping out the dragon and all that is not divine.

Only fire can meet fire.

The kingdom of God is the place of perfection, happiness, fulfillment and ineffable bliss.

Joy and happiness are the luminous guides of humanity. But for those who fail to follow them, who don't understand their laws and teachings, they can become a torment, a hell. Archangel Michael is a fire that consumes everything it cannot sublimate.

If you take the question of happiness to its logical conclusion, you're bound to encounter the school of God and the fire of the Archangel.

Happiness has its own laws, it's an art, a science, and you mustn't hesitate to put all the chances on your side.

Happiness belongs to the world of fire

To approach it in the right way, we need to take an interest in the little things, the small events of everyday life, while developing this magical awareness: behind every seemingly insignificant little thing lies the great, the universal. A small word or gesture can conceal the seed of great happiness or misfortune. The same goes for a thought, an attitude, a way of seeing... Life is woven together by these seemingly insignificant events, and it is precisely in them that the driving force of life resides. It's through them that the goal, the direction, the encounter with oneself at the end of the road takes shape.

Is it a devil? Is it a god? is the question the Archangel asks all those who come before his fire of love and loyalty to the eternal father.
The Devil is a destructive fire who has taken death as his bride.
God is a building fire that gives value, dimension and grandeur to everything it touches.

Approaching the fire of michael

To approach the Fire of Archangel Michael is to understand that happiness is hidden in the small, because it's the soul that lives, not the body. It's easy to say, but it's a whole path to live. It's the path of Fire and Light. Only those who have the intuition and courage to approach the Fire of the Archangel will be able to feel this inner truth awaken within them. In their ignorance, in their passivity, men think that this is a natural process and that they don't need to approach the Archangel and his feast.

When you have a toothache, even if it happens naturally, you still need a dentist. Celebrating the Archangel is the same: it's a natural process, but you can't do it alone, contrary to what many spiritualists think. Happiness is simply being with others, in purity, in love, in solidarity and mutual support for the triumph of a common work.

Lighting a fire and making every effort to bring God down into that fire is the beginning of this work, which requires conscious participation, a willingness to be free. If this beginning is realized in perfection, then everything else will follow, it will become natural. This is the key.

If the process of awakening is not set in motion, then nothing will go right in life, and happiness will be an illusion, a hellfire, a deception.

The beginning is always small, always a seed, but it contains a whole universe. It's by focusing our attention on the little things that we begin to discover real life and greatness.

Happiness, fire and pure, intense life are not to be found in the frantic pursuit of soulless, incessant desires, but in the small events of everyday life, which find their dimension and their place in the light of wisdom.
Become aware of this, awaken in the present moment that stands in God's omnipresence like a flame surrounded by flames communing in infinite light.

Open your heart, breathe with your soul that lives in many worlds, and you'll be touched, moved, transformed.

If this blessing comes to you, tell yourself that nothing is free and that beings have lit a fire to honour God, and that this is what has touched you. So, you too, light your flame for others. Not a pretence, but the fire of your true being, the same fire that consumes all lies and invokes all the names of God in all your activities.

Every seemingly insignificant moment can be an opportunity to love, to rejoice, to awaken, to share, to get to know, to work in the subtle worlds. It's through all these little occasions that man becomes a pupil of the School of God. When the flame is lit, it becomes natural, and even at night, the pupil is conscious in his soul and working with the Father. If the flame is extinguished, then man is desperate to "kill time". But no one can "kill time"; you just kill yourself, because you're on a downward path, in a flame of decomposition.

When a man enters the School of Divine Fire, he opens his heart and the round of moments takes on a whole new dimension, one that reveals the presence of the higher worlds. Man then experiences free inner joy, and is led to the experience that everything carries its own teaching, and that if we know how to approach them correctly, everything can be transformed for the better, even the most seemingly negative experience.

This doesn't mean that you can live any way you like, because everything is good. No. We have a past, and we live in a community of more or less free and conscious individuals. In this community, there are some who are heading for the fire of hell, of decomposition, and others who aspire to light the fire of Archangel Michael. Those who light the divine fire can transform the negative into the positive, but the others can't, even if they want to. A fire of decomposition will engender decomposition. It's just a question of orientation, because fire is originally One and divine.

Loyalty to Archangel Michael

This is why Archangel Michael speaks of fidelity, for fire must not be diverted from its true being to satisfy opposing wills. This is a desecration of man's true nature.

Those who stand with Archangel Michael are given the opportunity to transform negative circumstances through sublimation and ennoblement, with the help of wisdom and discernment.

He understands that happiness lies where he is, in the present moment. What he lives is what he must live, but how does he live it inside? That's the secret of Fire. It's the inside that can change everything. Some people live in material abundance and are sad and tormented. There are others who are immersed in pitiful material conditions and yet enjoy bliss. So where is happiness? Where is the truth? It's within us and around us, but only those whose hearts are pure, clear, open, available, free and airy will be able to see God. Archangel Michael is the eye that fills the body and life with the Light and presence of the Father.

You can find bliss and inner fulfillment in taking a walk in a forest, eating breakfast, preparing a meal for someone you love and sharing it with them, chatting with friends on a summer's evening on a terrace drinking herbal tea, watching children playing in a field, watching the sunrise, showing a stranger the way in the street or saying hello to the baker with a friendly smile...

Archangel Michael's School of God

If you're unaware of all this, you're missing out on life. On the other hand, if you can experience all this naturally, without any ulterior motive, interest or calculation, you're very close to meditation, to the School of God, to Archangel Michael, and perhaps soon we'll be together. Know that all this is not yet true life, it's only the prelude. Living with God is happiness. To be in his company in everything is the path to joy.

  • Archangel Michael enables you to see Him where He is for you.

  • Archangel Gabriel lets you feel him with your soul in every relationship.

  • Archangel Raphael enables you to create solid foundations and unite the two worlds in intimate communion.

  • Archangel Ouriel enables you to live with God in all your active centers, giving man a body of God, a body in which God can live.

Then man understands that life is not at all what the dragon presented to him, and he enters another life, a life where he is no longer an orphan and a stranger, but where he has a Father, a Mother and a family in light and love.

Then the flower, the bird, the stone, the stream, the butterfly become the bearers of a greater world that lives inside man, but also outside man, and that are part of the divine family. Man can contemplate a flower with respect, simply to marvel at the beauty of this being, and in turn want to make himself beautiful to delight others. He may listen to the song of a bird and then sing for the world.

A man may perceive beauty in a flower, the presence of the sun, but if the Fire and Light of the Archangels are activated within him more and more, he will understand secrets that nothing can truly explain.

Hermes-Thot, the Trismegistus, had simply said this word of the mysteries:

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