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Are cell phones harmful to health?

Ever since they first appeared on the scene, cell phones have raised a number of questions: Are they safe? Can the waves they emit harm our health? Of course, technology enthusiasts tell us they're totally harmless, so much so that we even give them to our children because we want to stay in constant contact with them, to protect them as much as possible.
Are we ruining our lives and those of our children through our own thoughtlessness? The Essenes, who always seek to see what's hidden behind appearances, asked the Mother for her views on cell phones. Here's the alarming message she passed on to me.

Mother's message on cell phones

"Today, people are alarmed about nuclear disasters, but it's all part of a plan that was written by those intelligences that don't love the Light.

Essenes and all beings who want to work for the Light must learn to write in all worlds, so that works of Light appear. Hidden in cell phones is a dark script that has yet to appear.

This writing is destined to destroy Light humanity. Cell phones contain certain waves that destroy brain cells. They ossify them and prevent them from entering into living thought and perception processes. There's a force at work here that nibbles away at brain cells, creating an inability to perceive living things and an imbalance.

In the human brain lies equilibrium. To destroy the balance is to take over man and create a false balance. I ask you not to put a cell phone to your ear any more; if you must use one, do so with a headset or loudspeaker. That way, you'll limit the damage, and you won't have an atrophied brain in a few years' time.

It's a message that you need to pass on to those around you, not in an alarmist way, but with clarity, modesty and service, supporting every aspect of it and finding all the arguments that demonstrate and bring out this reality. In this way, you'll be able to anticipate events and put other scriptures on those placed by intelligences that don't respect the Light.

Every time the telephone waves touch your brain, it begins to breathe in a different way. It's like a smoker's lungs. The organs breathe correctly when nicotine and tar don't enter them, but they change through the alliance of smoke. Behind the smoke, there's a being, a memory, a scripture, an egregore, a world...

This world seeks to make the cells in the lungs die so as to take their place in the future. Before dying, the cells densify until they become dry, like a scab on a wound. When the brain is subjected to cell phone radiation, the same phenomenon occurs. If you look at a brain subjected to daily radiation, after a while you'll see little dried-out grains appear, like lentils that haven't sprouted. This will cause pain and prevent you from living in a serene space.

Imagine you've got a toothache and you want to eat, and you'll understand what I mean.

So it's vital to put some distance between yourself, the battery inside the phone and the radiation emanating from it.

Don't put it to your ear, your heart or any other organ at any time.

It's important to stop doing this, because the intelligence that doesn't love the Light, and that stands behind all this technology that man has fallen in love with, is trying to place man outside all intelligence, all sensible reasoning, by making him do all sorts of works and activities devoid of wisdom.

But beyond this degradation of man, it seeks to give concrete incarnation to man's astral body. In this way, there is no longer any breathing, and therefore no contact with a Higher Intelligence. This is the first step towards robotization, towards bio-machine man.

Without astral breathing, there's no evolution outside technology, no new thoughts, no opportunity to recharge your batteries at night, to travel to other worlds, to contact your soul...

Life is about replenishing yourself, renewing your cells, your inner life, your soul, your intelligence... If your astral body no longer exists, if it is densified, you will no longer have the means to breathe in a higher heaven.

Your guide once taught you that there is a mesh around the earth, which is true because the earth is surrounded by satellites and electronic devices that enable a certain intelligence to make a link between earth and heaven.

In truth, this intelligence wants to be able to master the world of the ethers and the astral by making a link with man on earth, using him as a relay antenna. So, by means of technology, man is being densified in his ether and astrality so as to be entirely at the mercy of an intelligence that will master him completely. That's why we're talking about a humanity without a soul.

Man is heading for extermination, and his future will consist of being a fertilizer or seed, infertile like GMOs. He will no longer be able to digest anything within himself, as he will be nothing more than a soulless lump of earth.

It's vital that you, the Essenes, become aware of this possibility and that you don't enter into this script that has been laid down by a certain intelligence to engender tomorrow's humanity. That's why I'm asking the Essenes to get organized, to enter the Earth of Ouriel and forcefully write tomorrow's humanity. Please do so. I'm giving you the information before your official science tells you. By the time they do, it will be too late.

What they're doing to me through nuclear power, they're doing to you through cell phone radiation. Through the men behind it, there's a dark intelligence that doesn't like the Light.

You must understand this and learn to develop greater vision before you no longer have a soul and are plunged into darkness.

Don't wear cell phones to your ear anymore, so that you can keep the organs that allow you to breathe in your thoughts, balance the worlds within and around you, and make your will strong in the service of the Common Good that opens the gates to eternity and immortality.

There's nothing more terrible for man than not knowing what world he's in, totally ignorant of what's true and what's false."

The Mother tells us that we must spread this message around us, not in an alarmist way, but in clarity, finding all the arguments that demonstrate this reality. Truth is what is true in all worlds, and it can always be discovered when we look for it. This truth about cell phones, waves and radiation exists just about everywhere; it just needs to be sought out and circulated.

For example, on the "Portail radiofréquences - santé - environnement" (www.radiofré, a French government website, we read: "There is no scientific evidence today to show that the use of cell phones presents a health risk.

However, questions remain about possible long-term effects. The health authorities therefore recommend, as a precaution, limiting exposure to the electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones, and propose actions that are easy to implement."

The French government has not yet officially recognized that the use of cell phones is harmful to health, as this would have enormous repercussions on society, but it does warn the population about their use and suggests ways of limiting our exposure to their electromagnetic field, such as: "avoid unnecessary or excessively long conversations, as prolonged communication increases the duration of your exposure to radiofrequencies".

In its awareness-raising brochure, the Association Française des Opérateurs Mobiles (AFOM) recommends using cell phones with a headset: "You reduce your exposure as soon as you move the mobile away from your body (head and trunk). Using a headset reduces exposure to radiation from your head. Pregnant women using a headset are advised to keep the cell phone away from their stomach, and teenagers are advised to keep it away from their lower abdomen." (Brochure "Mon mobile et ma santé", September 2010)

This recommendation is in line with Mother's warning to put some distance between your body and your phone, not to wear it in your ear or on any other organ at all times.

And the AFOM makes another recommendation: "Advise your children and teenagers to use cell phones in moderation. If any health effects are identified, children and teenagers may be more sensitive, given that their bodies are still developing."

As for European regulations, here's the official position: "In France and Europe, 2 W/kg is the limit never to be exceeded for exposure to radio waves from the head and trunk (decree and order of October 8, 2003). This limit has been set to protect users' health, with a significant safety factor to cover possible long-term effects. All cell phones marketed in France are required by law to have a SAR1 of less than 2 W/kg.

With these recommendations and regulations, the French government seems to be warning us that even if cell phones are not officially recognized as dangerous, it's clear that they're by no means harmless.

La Mère tells us that it's imperative to put some distance between ourselves and the radiation emanating from the phone's battery. It's a technological intelligence that doesn't like the Light, which seeks to degrade mankind. Through radiation and nuclear technology, this dark intelligence actually wants to modify our bodies.

Our body is an organism that enables us to make contact with our soul and become beings who live in several worlds. By modifying our bodies, this intelligence is ensuring that we will only be able to live in one world. And since our bodies will be completely robotized, we'll be moving towards mechanical solutions to keep our bodies alive on earth for a very long time. It's in the distant future, but we're getting there because the body will no longer function as it does today. It will be modified by technology.

  • In reality, all this already exists. We chip animals and track them with radar, saying we want to protect them. Soon, animals will no longer have a soul and will no longer be able to live with the Mother and communicate with the invisible worlds.

  • It's the same with plants: we've poisoned them with GMOs. They're disappearing because GMOs are spreading everywhere and modifying all plant structures. As a result, plants will no longer really be plants.

Mother teaches us that this technological intelligence wants to "master the world of the ethers and the astral by establishing a link with man on earth and using him as a relay antenna".

Technology will gradually densify the etheric, astral part of man, who will then be able to be active only in matter, only in what is heavy.

He will no longer be able to have contact with the ethereal world of thought and feeling. He will then be at the mercy of an intelligence that will master him entirely. Man will no longer have a subtle body. He will no longer be able to dream or travel at night. He will no longer have any contact with his soul: he will no longer have a soul. What the Mother is revealing here is the future that awaits us.

The radiation from Japan's nuclear power plant, which is now passing over our heads, is being imprinted on us. And it's not the first time. We're increasing the doses all the time, and soon we'll be completely modified.

Men will no longer be able to be reborn, they will no longer have access to a subtle world.

The plan of the being hidden in technology - and who is the soul of technology, nuclear power, cell phones, computers, satellites... - is to create the world in his own image. He is a being of densification and he wants to densify the world. And to do this, he wants to catch man. With GMOs, nuclear power, cell phones and waves, he is in the process of modifying man's body and destroying it, so that man will be locked up in this world.

In the future, only the body will be real, and we won't even be able to imagine that it has a soul. We'll be entering the machine side of things, the bio-machine side: no more feelings, no more awareness of what it really means to be a man and a woman, no more ability to bring children into the world outside of machines. This is where we're heading, and why the Mother wanted to warn us: astrality will be incorporated into the body, and there will be no more breathing with the higher worlds.

So there's clearly a path that leads to nothingness, and it's the path of the human genius who created nuclear power plants and all this technology.

Fortunately, there is also another path: one that leads to the Light, the path of the soul.

The path to the Light is not to let ourselves be transformed into soulless machine-men, but to become angel-men, men who are in touch with the angelic world. It's about ennobling man, taking his life into his own hands, turning towards the higher worlds and towards his eternal soul.

Tomorrow, there will be two worlds and two evolutions.

A technological evolution of the soulless and an evolution of the soul. This evolution of the soul will begin with new organs, which will develop for man. Today, people see, feel and hear, but always in the physical world.

Tomorrow, an organ as alive as the eye and the ear will enable men who have journeyed towards their soul to see all thoughts, all beings and all worlds.

These men will be the men of the future, they will have this original clairvoyance, and they will truly be able to see worlds and walk the path of the soul.

Olivier Manitara

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