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Cells that awaken immortality

Essene wisdom is very ancient, having appeared with the Earth itself.

It's a divine tradition called the religion of the Father-Mother, and it's a sacred, secret, deeply esoteric order, in the sense of spiritual and invisible.

One of the names of this tradition is the Confrérie des Invisibles. To enter this brotherhood, you have to be called without even knowing the secret order. There are external symbols that enable you to contact it and tune into the inner school.

Envoys or messengers were regularly sent to place signs and allow openings to the interior. This is how the great exoteric religions and traditions came into being. They are simply signposts that enable those who are ready to focus, awaken the memory and raise the personal vibratory rate that establishes contact with higher degrees of existence and esotericism.

When a human being has reached a certain level of development, a certain vibratory rate naturally leads him or her to encounter a doorway that leads to a higher reality.

It is the law of affinity that guides those called towards the correspondences that will enable them to raise their own vibratory rate and enter into resonance with the higher worlds.

Tradition being hidden and invisible, contact is always made by spiritual beings who approach individuals who have awakened in their "aura", in their respiratory life field, a sincere aspiration to enter the great school of God to serve with purity and impersonality.

When the invisible contact is made, the neophyte is led to meet the outer representatives of the Immortal Order. There he meets the outer school, where he can receive instructions on how to raise his vibratory level and build a body of wisdom that will enable him to establish direct contact with the inner order and the land of the Sages.

To walk this path requires determination, courage, guidance and instruction, because it means working on oneself and going through many trials in order to detach and transform past errors, debts and negative karmas accumulated by humanity, the nation, the family line and the individual.

The Essene tradition is a higher stage of humanity and the Earth. It has kept the link with the Earth as it was before the fall of Adam-Atoume.

Being in the world before the fall, she sent messengers into the world of the fall to open up a path of ascent. This path is essentially an individual choice, and must be free and conscious.

The Essene tradition is there to help, but in no way can it do the work for man.

If man accepts to come out of his chaos, he will be accepted into the school of neophytes.

This school has gone by many names on the face of the earth, and today it's called the Essene Nation.

To enter the Essene Nation is to be examined and to apply for the great project of saving and educating mankind.

In the beginning, the neophyte is left to his or her own devices for many years, and must gradually show interest, learn, make choices and either leave or become more deeply involved and active.

At some point, he will have to make choices and renounce the influences of the counter-virtues completely and on his own. This is a very important step in acquiring the body of immortal wisdom that enables one to enter and take one's place in the Brotherhood of the Invisible and the Wise.

If the student succeeds in awakening and transforming without letting go of the rope, he or she is accepted and enters another level of work. He receives further training and enters another level of service to the greater cause. The higher he enters, the more complex and difficult the work he must perform and the difficulties he must solve.

What's more, no member can rely on the authority of the higher worlds to carry out his duty, for each individual bears full responsibility for his own intelligence and actions.

The more a member progresses, the heavier his responsibilities become, and the less he must lose sight of the happy or unhappy consequences of his decisions.

In this august order, it is not permitted to justify oneself or to place responsibility for one's actions on another.

Work done for the cause is above all a freely consented exercise that must become an organ in the great body of the future, giving a multitude the opportunity to encounter the path of awakening and elevation.

"I am the way, the resurrection and the life."

Enoch's words

Anyone who shuns responsibility and individuality, and appeals to the counter-virtues, becomes a traitor and instantly loses all contact with the field of life of the light of the invisible Sages.

He is then expelled into the outer spheres and led to recycling. The individual is usually unaware of this, and often perceives for himself that he remains on the path of immortal light. Often, these beings become negative and are used to test and tempt other neophytes in the circle. If they bear the seeds of deception, the spirits hidden within them will be attracted and nourished by the traitor's emanations and deceptive speech, and they will fail the test of Initiation.

To enter the higher spheres, you need to be able to discern between what is false and what is true, and not be a blind man who lets himself be guided by another blind man in order to avoid falling into the abyss with him. You have to be independent, capable of discerning for yourself, being able to resist all tempting influences.

It's not a question of doing good and avoiding evil simply out of a spirit of passive imitation, an aspiration to receive a reward or a fear of avoiding punishment. No, it's what's right and true in oneself that must be the guide and motor of inner strength.

Why such a demand for honesty and clarity? Because the brotherhood of those called to the Earth must generate, through its discipline, the body of the future messenger who must bring forth the school and the field of life capable of harvesting the Earth.

Tradition tells us that the first of these earthly envoys and representatives of the great Brotherhood of the Wise was Enoch.

That's why we say he's the earthly father of God's tradition. After him, there were many envoys, but we won't mention them all in this magical work.

We're going to mention a few that are particular to the awakening we're seeking to produce in the Essenes. It's a sacred initiation and an awakening of the living chain, the DNA of the great tradition in every Essene.

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