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Growing the Essene Nation into perfection

The Essenes are now the bearers of the Covenant of Worlds and the heirs of the tradition of Light on earth since the flight of Master Olivier Manitara in June 2020.

The Essene Nation bears the high responsibility of continuing to grow the body of God on earth and, above all, to carry with dignity this sacred heritage, handed down by the higher worlds.

In its visible manifestation, in everything that emanates from it, the Essene Nation, which is a sacred organ of God's body, must radiate grandeur, beauty and perfection.

But, as in everything that human beings do, lack of knowledge, lack of vigilance, haste, a flaw in organization all result in imperfect texts, images and words, weakening the quality of the works that emanate from the Essene Nation.

The Angel of the Essene Nation comes here to set the Essenes straight, to remind them of their mission, their responsibility and the importance of the accuracy, quality and beauty of everything that emanates from the Essene Nation and transmits an image of God's body on earth. In all that is transmitted, quality must be present as a reflection of the divinity of this work. It must grow in strength and nobility, and worthily represent the intelligence and wisdom transmitted by the higher worlds.

Word of the Angel of the Essene Nation to the holy assembly

Receiving an inheritance is a great responsibility and requires very special attention. It requires concentration, constancy and a discipline of life, because it means receiving a mission, having to take care of it, but above all making it grow without ever destroying, diminishing or debasing it.

It's hard enough for people to keep what they've acquired, let alone make it grow. Only a strong family, a living tradition, a powerful education and an alliance with a superior world can ensure that a work remains in time and intelligence without being usurped or declining.

The Essene Nation is not a perfect work, but what has been done is perfect in intent and in writing. It is your duty to guide the work of the Essene Nation with wisdom and intelligence, so that it remains in the same quality of being and form of existence it had at the outset, but above all so that it grows and becomes even nobler. Because the Essene Nation has brought forth intelligences, guides and beings of quality, this quality must not be diminished. On the contrary, it's a matter of taking care of what your ancestors have bequeathed you, and carrying it higher than yourselves for future generations. You are the link, the bridge between your fathers and sons, your mothers and daughters.

Your commitment must be total and your responsibility complete.

If you don't have something to present the Essene Nation at least as it has been in its writings and conferences, then don't do it. Stabilize it in its already existing structures, in what you have received, and refrain from bringing out things that would make it weak in its image.

Be wise and intelligent so as not to lose the quality of the inheritance you have received. To lose quality is to lose the gaze and attention of the higher worlds, and also to lose the way for all beings who wish to identify with the Light to live with it. This is why I tell you that the quality of your writings, your conferences, your interventions, your decisions, your evolution and your advancement must be perfect.

Follow in the footsteps of your guide, who has been a father to you, who has sincerely, honestly and authentically carried the Light, who has committed himself to it and passed on a legacy to you. If you want all this to endure over time, the truth is you have no choice: at the very least, do as well as he did, if not better.

He was like the first flower representing the Essene Nation to bloom in the Garden.

You have contemplated it. Today, you must all appear and bloom so that the Garden becomes a field of flowers.

If, through your lack of understanding, you persist in leading things into mediocrity, let responsible, well-trained beings lead the Essene Nation into greatness and beauty, into nobility, power and intelligence. You can't practice, you're not allowed to; in a personal capacity, yes, but not on behalf of the Essene Nation; you can't give it an imperfect, unworked, unreflected, unorganized image. You can't play a role, keep up appearances to look like someone else. Be true to yourselves, and through your words, your writings, the organization and structure of the organs of the Essene Nation, may the Teaching be in a perfection of clarity, wisdom, liberation and fulfillment.

At stake is the continuity of the Essene Nation, its identity, but also the aspiration and pure impulse of the heart of all beings who approach you, who see you living in the Covenant and who then feel the call to come and walk beside you and carry with you the sublime work of the Essene Nation.

May your words be poised, intelligent and wise. May your texts be clean and well-written. May your gaze be gentle and humble. May your life be governed by the laws and discipline of love, based on the 4 fundamentals of the Essene Nation. May it be as perfect as when your guide was here.

I repeat, the Essene Nation is not perfect, but you cannot make it even less perfect. It won't be accepted, it's not worthy of heirs who have received a capital. Stabilize the work of the Essene Nation. You have no choice but to help it grow, each of you finding your place and choosing the best people to make it bear fruit, to pay it homage and honor, for it is the face of Light on earth.

You are not alone. Know that beings and worlds count on you and expect you to take your place and hold it.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Celebration of Archangel Michael

In the Garden of Light, September 16-20, 2020

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