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Mastery of Body and Mind

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

Founding text of the Round of Archangels

This fragment of Essene wisdom is the first theurgic dialogue between Olivier Manitara and the great Archangel Raphael.

The dialogue took place in 2004, when the Essenes celebrated the first jubilee of Archangels Michael and Gabriel. This jubilee marked the opening of the Round of Archangels.

The Archangel explained, in God's name, how his spring festival was to be celebrated, and how the reborn Essene Nation was to organize itself to form a body for him, so that he could return to earth to pass on his teachings.

This theurgic dialogue was spontaneous, and there was no question of publishing it. It wasn't written for the sake of literature, and it's important to understand that. If it is published now, it is to safeguard this treasure of God's tradition and religion. What's more, at the time it was given, the Essenes were unaware that they were witnessing the birth of what would later become the Round of Archangels and the miracle of miracles.

Archangel Raphael is a great Son of God, a servant and representative of God.

The study of this sacred text is fundamental not only to understanding how God wants to be honored on earth, but also how the wonder of the Round of Archangels came about.

Theurgic dialogue with Archangel Raphael

Olivier Manitara:

"Father Raphael, how do you want us to celebrate your feast and build a body for you so that you can be present in our midst and fulfill God's will on earth?"

Archangel Raphael:

"The celebration must be dedicated to the mastery of body and mind. It is in this direction that I wish to approach you and meet you.

Learn to concentrate your thoughts as a martial artist can. Stand in thought control and body balance.

I love the flamingo, balancing on one leg so that Spirit can come and inhabit the light, supple stem. If the body is in conscious balance and thought is concentrated, then the great Spirit can come to rest gently and live with man by means of this space prepared for him.

I want to be welcomed in this way and come into your midst in peace and strength. I don't want to come by stealth, but I do want to settle down and dwell in your midst.

For this, you must be stable in your thoughts, your minds and in the control of your bodies.

This is the condition for my coming among you.

I also ask you to offer me a pyramid made of 4 consecrated sticks. It's an offering to God, and it's through it that I'll be able to take root among you and teach you.

Inside, place the sacred green stone, the guardian of the memory of God and his religion.

At the 4 feet, you will offer incense, which must burn continuously, day and night, throughout the period of the celebration that seals the covenant between God and the Essenes.

This pyramid is a sacred writing that represents me in all the worlds, and you must place it within the consecrated enclosure of a temple dedicated to me in the name of God. Only those who love God, who respect his envoys and who aspire to study and work on them in order to emerge from the sickness into which humanity is plunged, will be allowed to enter this enclosure.

At the gateway to the enclosure must stand 2 guardians who will let in only those capable of keeping their bodies under control, their minds alert to the presence of the Spirit. Before the Spirit, you must be able to place your body at rest and awaken your inner being in concentration and attention.

You will place a representation of this door in front of my pyramid and a lighted flame in front of it. This will represent the man who stands before Raphael, awake before the door of God's mysteries, awaiting the great revelation of the cosmic spirit.

The man before my pyramid must be like a flame. That's my message. But know that this inner flame is only the forecourt of what lies within my pyramid, which is infinitely grander than man's illumination alone.

Do this and you will understand, with time and practice, the contribution I wish to make to humanity and the earth through the nascent Essene Nation.

You will also understand what attitude you need to cultivate so that the teaching I wish to bring you can be understood, welcomed and implemented."

Olivier Manitara:

"How can I teach concentration of thought and balance of the body? Can I do it through physical exercises?"

Archangel Raphael:

"You'll understand this wisdom later. It will take you many years to understand the words I'm giving you now. I don't expect you to do this overnight, but I do want Essenes to understand the right way to approach the revelation of God's spirit.

First and foremost, teach the techniques for mastering the body, for leading it into stability so that it becomes an instrument capable of receiving the high vibrations of the Spirit and channeling them.

Learn to awaken thought and make it conscious, alive and magical.

Thought awakens through concentration and feeds on the energy released by the mastered body.

You can use physical exercises, but they mustn't be gymnastics that create difficulty or tension that distract from mental concentration.

The movements must be simple, so that the body is freed from tension and becomes light and fluid. Above all, no exercises that focus concentration on the body, because the opposite must happen.

The understanding I wish to pass on to humanity is that God's spirit is not fixed in a form, but is as broad and large as love.

We must not call God to come in a prison or a limited structure, but we must learn to detach the spirit from the body.

I want to teach you this art of separating body and mind in the right way."

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1 opmerking

02 dec. 2023

This was the loveliest literature I've read in a long time. I am completely concentrating on the spirit of Raphael, and it is all I can think of. Please continue to tell us more of this and send it to me. Please, I'd love to read more of it.

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