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Message from the Water Lily to the Essene nation

The day after Archangel Gabriel's reading of Psalm 108, Olivier Manitara delivered the Message of the Water Lily to the Essene assembly:

"Those who awaken their consciousness in the reality of the Essene Nation will now be able to approach beauty and live with it. They will be able to change the way they look at life and even acquire a new eye that will enable them to perceive what is beautiful in everything.

The eye is what drives and builds your life. He who perceives only ugliness debases his life.

Of course, man must not be foolish and mask ugliness with false beauty, or fail to look at the hidden one in order to trip him up. The eye leads and protects.

We must not be deceived, but the obstacle must not prevent us from moving towards the beauty of the sun, air, water and earth.

The perception of beauty in everything awakens the eye of the water lily, which separates the subtle from the gross.

If man is not first and foremost impregnated by the original beauty of all things, he will never be able to find the path that reveals true beauty. This beauty is a supreme mystery that explains the meaning of life and reveals the wisdom of the path.

I, the Water Lily, set out on my journey before I have awakened the flower in my eye.

When it finally comes to life, I understand the meaning and beauty of the path.

The flower of my eye is not the ultimate goal of my existence. It is the door that opens onto the world of splendor. I offer it to Creation, and it becomes the eye in all beings.

The eye must turn towards a world without borders, beyond analysis, because otherwise, innocence and purity will no longer be able to live in the world of men. The eye that analyzes must reveal the beauty of what is beyond analysis.

As you approach me, perceive that I am in splendor, in greatness, and that nothing that lives around me is ignored, forgotten by my gaze, by my birth in this world. If you approach me with this attitude, you can truly taste a higher life. Come and share with me this idea of beauty and greatness in everything.

Everything is alive far beyond human intellect. All is alive in the eye that contemplates and marvels. There once was a light in man that is now obscured by this limiting vision of the human world.

This way of enclosing through the eye is cultivated, nurtured and invades all spheres of man's existence to lead the whole world into slavery and confinement.

It's vital for man himself - but also for all beings - to rediscover the purity, innocence and truth of a higher world. As you approach me at the source of Father Gabriel, remember that I am the origin of your eye, of what sees in you, in all worlds.

Know that it is not man who will save the world of men; it is the world of men that will save the superior world on earth.

The higher world exists outside man, but if man no longer sees it, it will be extinguished within him, and will eventually no longer exist in man's world.

All will then be driven into darkness and false light.

Man was created by a superior intelligence - of which I am a part - to keep the flame of this intelligence burning within him, to transmit it to the earth and open the path to splendor. There is no other path than contemplation and wonder at perfection and wisdom.

By coming closer to me, by looking at me, by being in the company of all the beings that come to rest on me, perhaps a new language, a new understanding, a communion will emerge between you and me. It would be a joy to see in you the placenta of the world of men detached and aborted, freeing your future to make room for the placenta of the life of our Father Gabriel, the one who will give birth to the new man in this world.

Some men may be surprised that a plant could say such a thing.

Understand that on earth, every being has an original function that can continue to exist through time, provided the being has the intelligence and determination to remain faithful and honor its task, its mission, its being.

Men marvel at the wisdom of a plant because they themselves have abandoned their intelligence. Everything in the life of the intelligent man speaks to him of wisdom. Everything in the life of the greedy man is an excuse to degrade himself further.

Today's men no longer understand such obvious facts, for they have abandoned their traditions, desecrated their birth and abandoned the essence of their being to conquer worlds that are ultimately illusory.

Man has denatured himself. He has lost the nature and fire of his intelligence. I, the Water Lily, have remained faithful to my origins and carried out my function by being associated with these divine mysteries.

I am a living Tradition through time, and all peoples who have preserved a shred of dignity and honor have always looked to me as the embodiment of a mystery linked to birth and beauty. That's what I am, and that's what I'll remain.

The world of men will not lead me towards a destiny that is not in keeping with my being, my origin, my nature and my life.

If man wishes to rediscover his own intelligence, the intelligence that can speak and understand all intelligences in all worlds, let him meditate and perform the acts of nobility in order to maintain his true being, his Tradition on earth. Let him cease to give his life to the world that denatures, debases and deprives beings of their beauty.

Today, the nature of men is to sell their lives and those of others to the highest bidder, i.e. to the one who seems to have the greatest number of solutions to the problems they have invented for themselves. Their lives are no longer dignified. It has become a commodity that can be bought, rented and sold. I want you to know that I am not like that, and that I will remain the Water Lily, with dignity.

I am the being of Tradition. I am the sacred scripture of birth and the emergence of life in another world. No other image can be placed on me. Should such a misfortune befall me, I shall wither and no longer exist."

In the days following the revelation of this communication with the Water Lily Being, Olivier Manitara gave several masterly lectures on the teachings contained in this message.

In particular, he spoke of the collective suicide of many species who in our time prefer to disappear rather than fall into the clutches of modern man and his works. Although man considers this an extinction of species, it is in fact a deliberate extinction of species.

This Essene wisdom was transmitted in a context, in an atmosphere that is impossible to convey through simple writing.

Through this text, may we all rediscover a little of the fragrance that spread when this flower of Essene teaching blossomed among the women and men gathered to breathe. Like a family, they revived the beautiful Light in their lives to share it with the whole world.

May such texts, emanating from such an experience, arouse the desire to know more, to live more, and to create a true and beautiful path beneath your feet.

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