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Only Consciousness Crosses Worlds | Archangel Michael's Teaching

The Wisdom of Archangel Michael

What's more important in life? Is it the life of the body or what happens in the afterlife, in the life greater than the body and the material world?

I'm telling you that life here below and life hereafter are one and the same; there's no real separation or difference between what you know today and what will happen after the death of the body.

The question is: will you be able to take with you what you've earned during your time on earth?

There's a great deal of wisdom in this question.

You must seek continuity of consciousness, for continuity represents life, whereas breakage, rupture, truly manifests death.

There doesn't have to be a life here and a life there, because life is unity and continuity. This is why you must live a life greater than death, so that there is preparation and enrichment, not loss and impoverishment.

It's all a question of consciousness

Consciousness is the organ that is able to pass from the world beyond to that of earthly existence without loss.

Consciousness is a body that connects life in the body to life greater than the body.

Awakening consciousness, living with consciousness, is a key, not simply to body consciousness, but also to soul consciousness, i.e. to life beyond the body.

The body imposes itself on consciousness, but the soul must also impose itself on consciousness and reveal the greater, subtle, other life.

Don't think you'll experience anything more after death if you haven't already in this earthly life. Death brings, of course, an expansion, an amplification, since the body no longer encloses the experience.

But fundamentally, all you take with you is what has been animated and lived by consciousness, and which can therefore ascend into this new body which, like a boat or a plane, will carry you beyond the portals of earthly life.

Don't think that you'll gain more when you're freed from the body; in truth, you'll only have what you already have.

Don't act on the idea that what you're doing might bring you enrichment after death, because if it hasn't become conscious in your body and if you haven't brought forth a subtle body, a body of wisdom, understanding, competence, mastery, it doesn't exist yet; it's a project, an aspiration, a wish that might come true, but for the moment, there's nothing concrete. So you can't take it with you into continuity.

Awaken your consciousness as a treasure trove of Light, for it is this that enables you to dialogue, to make the link between the dense and subtle worlds.

If you want to experience something, make it conscious in your life and bring it to the roots of your feet, until awareness of what you want to experience leads you to modify your step, your walk, to breathe, think, feel and perceive differently.

If you look at the world from a different angle, it's a given, simply because your body participates in it, contributes to it, makes it grow and becomes an indelible root or cell of your life in association with the idea, the virtue, the world you've placed at the center of your consciousness. If your body consciously participates in this to the point of creating in you a look, a habit, a rhythm, then it's acquired and that's what you'll encounter and continue to experience, even after death.

Above all, don't enter into the philosophy and passive beliefs that spiritualists have spawned, for they are a trap.

Don't think you'll encounter anything after death other than what you've experienced and achieved with your body.

Don't cultivate sterile false hopes, born of a duality, a split between what you experience and what you wish to experience.


Be true to yourself and enter into a mastery that will enable you to take charge of your life and live what you consciously want to live.

Know that after death, you will only encounter what you have achieved and lived in this life with your body.

If you haven't built or realized anything in consciousness, if you haven't brought the body of wisdom into the physical body, if you haven't lit the flame of the subtle body, there will be nothing more.

If you live instinctively, you will continue to do so after death.

Only consciousness and conscious activity allow for the continuity and freedom of having a body.

Consciousness is what you've acquired, what can't be taken away from you, being the fruit of your labor. It is therefore what constitutes and will constitute your body and your being. If it can be taken away from you, that means it's not yours, i.e. it hasn't been worked on or made conscious.

What cannot be taken away from you, even by death, is what has been acquired by consciousness.

By the word "acquired", I mean the subtle body that was born from the body through the work of consciousness. If it is extinguished, this means that it is not present in all the stages that make up man's life: in the morning, at sunrise; during the day; in the evening, at sunset; and at night, as the sun travels in the boat of consciousness into the other world. If this is not so, it is not but an illusion of being, a moment, a circumstance.

Father Michaël, do you want to teach that, in the end, we must essentially animate the body so that consciousness awakens what is immortal in us, through the simplest acts of our daily lives, and ignites the memory of what must be done in the body, from all eternity, in God's will?

I teach that consciousness is a vehicle that connects worlds and enables us to travel from one world to another.

When consciousness awakens and activates, it resurrects the memory of what you knew, what belongs to you or has been handed down to you by tradition.

Everything that comes to you and animates you doesn't come from nowhere and isn't nothing; you need to be aware of this.

Consciousness is also the guardian, protector and universal magnet that attracts to you that with which you are in affinity.

If consciousness awakens and activates to the point of making the body move, of making it act, this means that you are in alliance with a world that radically changes your life in order to become a priority and build within you a body greater than death.

Everything that is done without consciousness belongs solely to the body and instinctive life. This doesn't mean that there's nothing there, but if man doesn't lead his energies towards greater, clearer, purer, living consciousness, he'll end up losing what he's doing, because he's doing nothing other than being lived by worlds of which he knows nothing. This is not a fatality, but just a law that you must study and verify by making it conscious, then alive in your lives and in the life of the earth.

Jesus said:

"To him who has, it will be given, but to him who has not, even the little he has will be taken away."

Leave earth with a body of consciousness

So don't dream of other worlds, but take care of what you have right now and make it bear fruit for God and in God.

If you're alive in a body on earth, it's because you wanted to be. So now, accept it and carry out the mission, the work that made you take on this body.

Don't try to dodge what you have to do in this life, but awaken your consciousness to illuminate the body, bring forth the great wisdom and accomplish your mission.

Don't think there's another way to be liberated, for you'd only be cultivating an illusion.

Fulfill your destiny and you'll leave this earth with a body of consciousness that, accompanied by your soul, can lead you to the other shore and will keep, as if in a basket, everything you've acquired in consciousness on earth. You'll forget the rest, because you'll no longer have the senses to remind you, you'll no longer have the feelings and intellect linked to the image of the physical body. You'll know the worlds are there, alive, but you won't feel any affinity, any link; it'll be like something extinguished.

Live in awareness and walk the path, bringing forth within you a subtle body of fire, air, water and earth capable of bearing the Mother's Name and fulfilling the mission of your immortal soul.

Psalm 254 of Archangel Michael - Volume 37: The Mastery of the Serpent

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