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Passing through the jubilee gate in pure fire and consciousness

Celebration of Archangel Michael,

from September 20 to 24, 2023 in Panama

and for the Universal Archangelic Round

Word of Archangel Michael to the Holy Assembly

At the gateway to the Jubilee, may devotion and ecstasy be reborn by the pure fire that generates Light.

All impurities, all imperfections, must now be the matter ready to be transformed to allow this fire to grow. It's not up to the Light to nourish and justify impurity, but it's up to this raw material to give itself and transform itself so that the Light can exist and live in your world.

Let the light of higher intelligence be born from this fire. Let what is mortal remain mortal.

Let those who wish, through the Mother's birthing, to become representatives on earth of the intelligence of Light enter into the fire of rebirth, the fire that can only be nourishment for a higher world.

Only pure fire is the supreme food that man can offer to the Divinity of the worlds. By my fire, impurity will be consumed and only purity will rise towards it.

So let this celebration be the joy, the ecstasy, the devotion that brings out what is great and beautiful in the lives of all incarnate beings on earth.

Free yourself from the last residues stuck to you like soot. Leave no corner of your being hidden in the shadows, and immerse yourself in the light of my fire, so that you can take your first steps in the new writing of the Essene Nation for a new cycle, and be ready for childbirth.

The next cycle will be marked by the birth of purified Beings of Light, i.e. prepared, educated and trained, who will reveal themselves as bodies embodying the reality of their mission on earth.

The 7 years following the Jubilee will be those of the birth of souls who have come to fulfill their mission.

Whether to lead beings, to teach, to reveal, to bring forth, they must all be born of the Mother, educated by the Mother, so that they can become torch-bearers of the reigns of Father and Mother united in a single world.

Be educated by your 2 Parents, who will provide you with the perfect upbringing that will enable you to possess all the abilities to achieve in all worlds, from earth to heaven.

Go through the Jubilee door conscious of the first steps you're about to take on this new earth, conscious of the worlds you want to carry, embody and reveal in your life.

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