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Psalm 64 by Archangel Ouriel - Preparing for Archangel Michael's Celebration

I was happy to be able to come among you, to teach you and to try to give more grandeur, intensity and light to the Essene Nation.

As you've seen, you've experienced the result of the way you experience the Archangelic Round. You have come together with what you have accumulated from the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.

Today, in conclusion, you can have an overview of your life and what you've done with it. For some of you, it's been positive, and for others, perhaps a reappraisal. Perhaps you need to take stock of what's gone wrong and what hasn't been done right. Then you can start the New Year with greater clarity, strength, confidence and willpower.

Archangel Michael is the gateway to the round of Archangels, to the kingdom of life.

I advise you to approach him having guided all the year's experiences towards wisdom.

All the work you've undertaken, everything you've accumulated, lay it on the ground and then put it in a protected place, i.e. within yourselves. Hide it to preserve what you have acquired that is precious, rare, pure, sacred and true.

Make the soil of your consciousness fertile and hide your life's treasure of Light there.

You'll approach Archangel Michael, and through his fire you'll begin a new year.

Take time to meditate, for the Essene Nation is turning a corner. It doesn't coddle, it doesn't put to sleep. On the contrary, it will increasingly confront everyone with who they are and make a selection so that those who really want to advance on the path can do so.

Be aware that a whole year's work always leads to a concrete result. Your life is always made by you. In the end, what you see appearing before you, it's you who made it happen.

Unite. Be together so that your life is a common work in the realization of a higher world.

Some people say they're afraid of losing what they have, afraid of being overwhelmed by the world of men. But in reality, if you work for the divine world, if you give your life for a greater and freer realization, you'll be able to see freedom appear in your life and taste it. You'll be less hindered, more discerning, more in control of life's circumstances.

Unite and give strength and victory to your Master so that he can find the elements he needs and the means to implement everything he carries, everything he is asked to carry.

Support and help each other, without wanting to keep, control or, above all, direct others.

Make your life an example to those who look to you.

You, the pillars, strengthen yourselves so that you are in absolute purity, wiser, more stable and that your life is truly dedicated to your function in order to form a solid body so that your Father can have the means to be among you and be the one to bring Light into life.

I bless you all and hope to meet you in higher spheres.

May your life be a realization of Light.

Remember that you must put everything down, organize everything so as to start a new year with Archangel Michael and his door of fire.



Gospel of Archangel Ouriel

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