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Report on the Ouriel 2023 celebration in France

From June 21 to 25, 2023, Essenes living in France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany and the Ivory Coast gathered in Sauve, in the south of France, to honor our Father Ouriel.

It was a magnificent moment of sharing, devotion to the sacred and joy. All participants gave of their best to make this celebration a true offering to God.

On the opening evening of the celebration, Antoine Manitara, who had travelled from Panama with Magali Anya, gave us the keys to preparing to welcome Ouriel. He insisted on the importance of taking up the meaning and significance of the many teachings given to the Essene Nation: it's a whole method for knowing how we should approach an Archangel and honor him with an inner life and a right conscience.

Antoine Manitara at the opening conference of the Ronde des Archanges

Ouriel shows the way to the liberation of the worlds: we must not be dreamers, but be aware of the 2 worlds to become worthy and be recognized by the higher worlds. By embodying song, dance and movement, we serve the divine world, which makes us instruments for creating another future, through study circles. It is by removing the bad seeds from our lives that we will prepare ourselves for the Jubilee, becoming responsible, active beings.

The following morning, Julien Manitara, following in Antoine's footsteps, enlightened us on the need to offer God a pure work. Ouriel is the summer, the fruit, the conclusion and finalization of things. He shows the way to the liberation of worlds: we must work on ourselves, separating the subtle from the thick to see worlds appear and differentiate. "Everything must come from our own source": this is the Mother's message, which we must put into practice.

Julien at a conference on Thursday morning

So it was in an atmosphere of willingness to serve the Light, and to contribute to the radiance of the Essene Nation's work, that new Massala leaders and substitutes were consecrated on Thursday afternoon. It was a very solemn and warm moment. How beautiful it is to see brothers and sisters commit themselves to this path of taking responsibility for the victory of the Light!

In the evening, just before the ceremony of homage to God, Antoine invited us to observe the seeds of our inner earth. Ouriel's intelligence shows us how to be at the service of the Light. The most beautiful offering we can make him is our work, and we can only offer him what is perfect.

On Friday morning, the 3rd day of our celebration, Magali Anya told us about the 2 keys the Mother gives us to apply the laws, the principles of the Archangels and make them concrete.

The first key:

"It is you who create your life. You are soil that produces fruit according to the seeds you have planted or allowed to grow in your inner soil. Be aware that everything comes from you."

The second key:

"It's not the people around you who make your life. Don't worry about how others look at you."

Magali at a conference on Friday morning

During the afternoon, Essenes gathered to perform the "Solve and Coagula" ceremony. Many Essenes rose to pledge to perform a work of Light throughout the year to help strengthen the work of the Essene Nation. In the evening, we gathered to celebrate the glory of Ouriel with songs, dances and musical instruments. It was a beautiful moment of family and friendship, where you could feel the joy of being together.

The following day, during the Saturday morning conference, Julien made us aware of how fortunate we are to have the Essene Nation's alliance with the higher worlds. Drawing on all the keys provided by the Mother, he made us aware of the need to unite our forces and, with all our rays united, to follow the path of Light, back to the Father and the liberation of the worlds. Then, to the rhythm of song, violin, guitar and devotion, we welcomed the new Essenes through the ceremony of the Good Return of the Heart to their soul family.

In the afternoon, after a moment of sharing with Magali, where the Essenes present could ask their questions, there followed a very convivial and warm moment of book signing with Antoine, Magali and Muriel Light.

Magali signing her book

We all got together again in the evening to celebrate the Ronde des Archanges ceremony. It was a magical moment of solemnity and devotion to the Light.

The following day, in the closing lecture of the celebration, Antoine reminded us of Ouriel's message: "If you live with your soul, you enable the liberation of the worlds". For this to happen, we all need to take a good look at ourselves, take stock and let go of the negative and illusory in our lives, with the aim of arriving at the Jubilee as transparently as possible.

So it was in fervor, in love for the Light, in the profound joy of being together, that we parted. We were grateful to have been able to honor our Father Ouriel and receive his blessing.

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