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Rudolf Steiner - His prophecy of the future

Rudolf Steiner was an extraordinary man who gave his whole life for humanity, and who carried a message from the divine world. His philosophy is part of the Essene Tradition. Always seeking to honor the Masters of the past and learn from their wisdom, Olivier Manitara, contemporary Essene Master, meditated on one of Steiner's prophecies2 from 1920. Here is his interpretation, which helps us to better understand the world we live in and, above all, the one we are inevitably heading towards...

"Today's enlightened minds consider it superstitious to see spiritual powers at work in natural phenomena. They have no idea that demonic spirits are active in the whole field of technology created by the human race. It will be difficult for them to see this because these powers operate in the will - and I've often told you that the will is asleep. They act on an unconscious level and take hold of the human mind."

Men have separated themselves from the divine forces at work in flowers, in trees, in the sun, in all natural phenomena. They no longer know how to read the message of the Gods. Steiner tells us that today we are governed by beings who claim that this wisdom of our ancestors is not true, that it is superstition. But these beings who govern us don't see that, in the forces they bring to life through technology, there are demonic entities.

"They act on an unconscious level," writes Steiner of these demonic forces. They take hold of the human mind in such a way that we are no longer truly human, but enslaved to an intelligence of which we know nothing. And all it takes is for a nuclear power plant to be put at risk, as was recently the case in Japan, for a wave of panic to blow through us as our whole world is called into question. Through this catastrophe, we see a being showing its face, but we are so imprisoned by this being that we are incapable of confronting it.

"Here's the consequence: in the past, human beings possessed at least some awareness of demonic powers," writes Steiner. The worst thing about the demonic side is when you can't see it. It's like a hole in the road: when you see it, it doesn't scare you because you can avoid it. It's when you don't see it that it becomes dangerous. The danger lies in no longer knowing, no longer having clear discernment. Steiner tells us that there was a time when people knew how to discern good from evil, but that today our leaders, guides and enlightened people are incapable of seeing these forces at work in people's lives.

"Today, demonic powers move at will in all the products of technology: their activities extend right into the sphere of human will, but human beings are not yet ready to recognize this... In ancient times, the spirits perceived in the phenomena of nature were Luciferian; the spirits active in machines, in all the products of technology are Ahrimanian."

Steiner says that the spirits hidden behind the phenomena of nature are Luciferian, i.e. spiritual, religious, while the spirits active in the products of technology are Ahrimanian. "Ahriman" is an ancient term from Zoroastrian philosophy, synonymous with "Satan". Satan, like Lucifer, are fallen Sons of God.

The worlds of matter and beyond

Around man, there is a universal world: the four elements, and an invisible force symbolized by the pentagram, the symbol of will. He who masters this symbol controls the elements, and in so doing, unknowingly controls man himself.

Above man, we find the beyond, the world of Lucifer. In this world live spirits, genies and egregores. These egregores form the spiritual world that surrounds the earth and mankind; they are collective entities fed by men to satisfy their intellectual, moral and spiritual needs. Thus were born religions such as Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, as well as modern science and materialistic beliefs.

Beneath the world of Lucifer lies the world of Satan/Ahriman. The Satanic/Ahrimanian world brings all the forces of the invisible worlds into the physical plane and prevents man from being conscious, isolating him. In the future, we'll be isolated. When we speak to each other, it will mean nothing; there will be no soul. Satan/Ahriman wants to drive everything into robotization; this is what Steiner tells us:

"Human beings therefore surround themselves with an Ahrimanian world that develops completely autonomously. You will see this tendency in human evolution. From a Luciferian world that still influences their conscious minds and determines their destinies, human beings are being drawn into an Ahrimanian world. And today, this is happening at a very rapid pace."

Steiner might as well have put it this way:

"From a world where we still thought nature was alive, that there were spirits, forces, a soul behind everything we see, we come to think in an Ahrimanian world."

And when disaster strikes, we complain: "It's not fair. Why is God allowing all this suffering?" We don't look behind these forces, we don't see that there's an intelligence in everything. So we don't get the message, we don't have the answers, and we feel lost. We no longer have the answers, because we're no longer in touch with the invisible worlds.

The trap man has fallen into

"This Ahrimanian world acts on the human will, and the intellectualism of modern science doesn't allow people to become immediately conscious of the will."

What Steiner says is true: it's a world that men don't know about that acts in their place, without their knowledge.

The educational system has cut us off from our true, profound being, and led us into an illusion of knowledge and life. It's a desecration, because we haven't studied to honor knowledge. We wanted to use knowledge greedily: how to have a job, how to live in this world... and we became slaves. Education is a slave market, creating workers according to society's needs. And everyone participates, because everyone wants to have a job.

"The great danger is that the Ahrimanian world will take over the human will and human beings will find themselves completely helpless among the demonic powers present in the products of technology."

We have just experienced what Steiner describes. With the catastrophe in Japan, we're completely helpless, we don't know what to do. There's a radioactive cloud, what are we going to do now? People are faced with a great demon, and they're doing everything they can to justify their lives, but deep down, they're lost. And if the solution were brought to them, they'd be happy, because that's what they're waiting for. They don't know what else to do, and that makes them slaves.

"Before even part of the third millennium of the post-Christian era has passed, there will be a true incarnation of Ahriman in the West: Ahriman in the flesh. Humanity on Earth cannot escape this incarnation of Ahriman. It will inevitably happen.

Steiner explains that after the year 2000, the satanic side will incarnate. We'll be obliged to meet this being physically, since he has decided, for cosmic reasons, to try to reclaim humanity and the earth. There's no way of avoiding it, as Rudolf Steiner says, and contemporary Essenes agree with him. Today, almost a hundred years after his prophecy, it's clear that it's coming true.

The return of Ahriman

Steiner says that Satan/Ahriman will appear in the flesh, but it's not one man who will appear, but a community of men who will be the embodiment of the Satanic principle. Satan/Ahriman will be an egregore, not spiritual but material, through machines that will govern men and tell them what to do.
Man will become a bio-machine.

Today, this being is in China; this people is really its incarnation. We can see this in the principle of communism, where the State is all-powerful, where it controls religion, where it controls everything, even the family. The Chinese give themselves over entirely to the state, which is king, and live solely for it. And with their technology, they are making things lose their value. They've sabotaged know-how, craftsmanship, the meaning of money, the meaning of work, and we're inundated with products that are worthless.

Satan/Ahriman is in China, and he's going to evolve. The five points of the pentagram at the center of which he will manifest himself powerfully are China, Russia, Europe, the Arab countries and the United States. And in the center is Egypt, which is going to be the great country of the future, the one that will rule the world.

In the future, Satan/Ahriman will take over these worlds. They're going to fight each other, but in reality, they're all going to go in the same direction, and they're all going to be servants of this being, who divides to better reign. He is hidden behind these worlds, which will eventually harmonize and become the intelligence of tomorrow. He will rule, uniting these peoples and worlds under his government. And he will destroy everything that we, the sons of Enoch, the Essenes, have brought down through the centuries; he will destroy all religions.

Only Islam will resist. The Arabs will become the most powerful people of the future because all the others will abdicate their religion, while the Muslims will keep it against all odds. The Muslims will be the strongest, because they will have maintained contact with the higher worlds.
"For this incarnation on earth, Ahriman directs certain forces of evolution so that they serve him in the best possible way. An evil would result if men lived through these events half-asleep, unable to recognize certain phenomena in life as preparations for Ahriman's incarnation in the physical. [...]
In the midst of the catastrophes that will befall humanity in the near future, mankind will become extremely inventive; man will discover all sorts of forces and substances in the universe that he will use to feed himself. But all these discoveries will show at the same time that what is material is linked to the organs of the intellect, not to the organs of the spirit."

Steiner warns us that mankind is about to be led into a disconnect and lose its soul.

Yet, faced with the technological world, men will say to themselves:

"We're heading for a brilliant world of communication, brotherhood and universality. Technology will bring us all the solutions of the future. And then, if we destroy the planet, we'll have sufficiently developed space travel to go and conquer another."
Men will be blind and unconscious.
"Certain secret societies - in which preparations are already underway - will apply these things in such a way as to create the necessary conditions for a true incarnation of Ahriman on earth."

The secret societies Rudolf Steiner refers to are the army. The army is secretive: it never divulges the plots it's carrying out; they're classified as "secret defense" and can't be accessed.

It's the military who are preparing tomorrow's world and who are behind those who govern today's world. All the scientists work for them; they control everything, they have all the political worlds on their side, all the engineering. They are everywhere and at the forefront of everything. When the army becomes international, Satan/Ahriman will be all-powerful. All secret services will be in his pay, all beings will be on file, everyone will be indexed. There will be satellites everywhere, and he will control the whole of humanity.

"Using prodigious artifice, he will give men all the clairvoyant knowledge that hitherto could only be acquired through hard work and effort. Men will be able to live as materialists; they'll be able to eat and drink, and they won't need to make any spiritual effort."

We'll live with the thought - and we already do - that life is easy, that there's no more work to do on ourselves, that we really don't have to do anything, that the government, the state, the army will take care of everything. They will indeed take care of everything, and Satan/Ahriman will be in total control.

The other way...

Will humanity ever be free of this being? Does the Satanic world have to be shackled? Of course, and astonishingly, it is the first to want it.

Every evil being seeks to be stopped. He sends out booms, and if he doesn't have beings in front of him who are strong enough, he develops such a grudge against them that he destroys them.

If humanity had truly been a humanity of Light, these satanic forces would never have allowed themselves to do what they did. They would even have been happy to see that we were balancing them.

However, since mankind hasn't been up to the task of balancing these beings, they've gone berserk. They're determined to destroy us and enslave us, because they're angry with us for not having been what we claimed to be: Christians, Buddhists, good beings.

We presented ourselves as good beings, but we led all beings into misfortune and annihilation: animals, plants, minerals, Mother... All spirits, all genies, all forces have been led downwards.

What we Essenes must try to do, in humility and modesty, is to save our tradition and our way of seeing the world.

The Essene Nation and its Teaching are a path to immortality. It's a very clear path to crossing these worlds, sealing an alliance with an Angel and building a body of Light.

We build a body through concrete works. We must bequeath works of Light to future generations, we must bequeath them another world. It's a work for the Common Good, in the sense that we must continue to strive to protect animals, trees and stones, and to create a counter-power to oppose the satanic forces that are invading the world.

It's vital that we keep the light on, and that there's another point of view, one that enables us to build another world, another humanity.

Olivier Manitara

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