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Snake Mastery

The science of the serpent in god's tradition and the school of archangel michael

To study, understand, bring to light and master what God's tradition calls the Science of the Serpent, man must have reached a certain degree of awakening and have developed within himself the body of certain virtues linked to the pure world of the Angels.

Man must have overcome the spheres of unconscious life, as well as the destructive side.

The presence of clear consciousness must be awakened as the foundation of inner life and freedom.

Inner freedom is linked to the presence of the higher angelic worlds in man's life, which derives from the practice of the Archangelic Round and the incorporation of this body, as well as the state of consciousness that accompanies it. This state of clear consciousness generates the right discernment, the superior vision of the Angel in man, which gives birth to the virtue of impersonality. Man then develops the ability to hear, see, smell, taste and touch without mortal personal feelings, limited interests, prefabricated concepts, atavistic prejudices or unconscious will.

Heaven is not dead, not empty. It is the home of the Angels above and all around you. It is a living world, intelligent, grand, noble, full of virtues and, above all, impersonal.

Another perception of heaven and earth is fundamental to the study of the serpent in the tradition of God. The virtue of impersonality linked to the sky and the subtle bodies that surround you is also fundamental.

The serpent is a creative force linked to the earth and form. Every form is animated by the power of the serpent, because every form is shaped by water.

The snake is a force of construction for man, or of destruction when he is unconscious, ill-educated, ill-trained and oriented towards what is mortal. Indeed, every human being is a creator through this force, and daily nourishes his future body for death or for life, for that which extinguishes the Light or for that which kindles it and leads it towards expansion into eternity and immortality.

The virtue of impersonality is the gateway to immortality, as it allows the heaven of Angels to appear around man and in his subtle bodies.

Mastering serpent energy

Mastering the serpent's energy in the body requires awakening consciousness and the right vision.

The snake in man acts and evolves through laws and cycles.

There are 7 cycles of 7 years, which make up man's creation in God, or his recycling. Each cycle corresponds to a birth and transformation of the serpent. At the end of the 7 years, man has a concrete, formed body, which he will have to live with for the rest of his life.

The snake's environment

At the beginning of his life, man instinctively carries this snake, which is coiled in his lower abdomen, and depending on the direction he takes, what he does, the snake will activate and begin to write, to determine his life. This is why a child's environment and upbringing are fundamental to his future. This environment must be conscious, clear, wise and angelic, because the snake feeds on the environment.

Depending on the environment in which man grows up, the serpent will awaken virtues or counter-virtues in him, which will become organs, forces, influences, habits and magical links that will govern his whole life. This is why, when man becomes an adult, he often carries within him certain predominant counter-virtues - authority, pride, uncertainty and many others - which ultimately become the driving force of his life.

If man is not led from childhood in a good education of expansion, when he grows up, he is enslaved by the counter-virtues that feed on him and become stronger and stronger to impose themselves and conquer in future generations.

Then the destructive serpent becomes concrete in man, like a vertebra or a group of vertebrae, capable of influencing the blood and speaking to all the body's organs to direct them in a specific way.

It takes man's place and establishes its power, to the point of invading the whole of man and controlling him, governing him entirely. Then it is no longer God who lives in man, nor the pure, impersonal Angels who instruct him, but only a man destined for death and the nothingness of recycling.

The serpent takes hold of the will

When the serpent gains power and takes hold of man's will, it dictates entirely what he must do with his life. Man is then led into a life you already know: he becomes a consumer, seeking only to have a well-organized outer life, without ever wanting to invite the presence of the King of kings, the living and true God into his sacred and free inner life.

The serpent enters the breath

When the serpent enters man's breath and settles there, he directs his life solely according to instinctive sympathies and antipathies.

The power of the destructive snake is particularly active in the center of breath, feelings and emotions, as it plays with the variations of hot and cold, joy and sadness, cravings and despair... Thus, it directs man wherever it pleases, making him change mood according to his needs.

The serpent enters the mind

Finally, all these energies of will and feeling become concepts, beliefs or non-beliefs, which are all doors allowing the snake to enter the sanctuary of the head. This is where he takes hold of man's thoughts and intellectuality. The intellect then goes into action, searching the subtle worlds for forces, ideas, impressions and simulacra of understanding that will become inexhaustible food for the serpent.

The serpent then becomes greater than man, and takes over his sky, all the subtle worlds that live around him, and which legally belong to the Angels and to the beautiful, impersonal, universal light of God.

The more man is developed in the wrong intellect, i.e. in knowledge not laid on solid foundations, the more powerful the serpent becomes over man.

Angelic impersonality

The solid foundations of life are the harmonious mastery of the body, the awakening of the conscious will, the balance of feelings and breath, and finally, discernment in thought. Then angelic impersonality can surround man, nourishing the Light in his thought and inner life until it illuminates the body and the energy that animates it.

This is a science of meditation, study and education that you must master for yourselves and for future generations.

If man isn't properly educated, the serpent gives rise to falsehood within him by unbalancing the centers that are the foundations of knowledge and the light of being. In this way, he monopolizes and uses false knowledge to establish his power and reign. Man will say that since he understands, he's stronger and can therefore control and master, but this is an illusion of mastery, for true knowledge can only rest on the depths of being.

So, until man knows himself and masters his instrument to link himself in a pure, right and true way to the higher worlds of eternity, he gives all his strength to the serpent that lives in his body, his instinctive will and his breathing. His thoughts are monopolized by the breath and the sphere of feelings, which is filled with dreamlike images and directs him through all his sympathies-antipathies, happiness followed by sorrow, gaiety followed by sadness... Eventually, man loses control and can no longer use the knowledge he possesses within himself. It is this serpent, which is under his feet, in his body, his will, his breath, which controls his head, and therefore all his subtle bodies, his sky and his destiny.

Man must know that he is not alone in living in his body and in his sky.
It is truly the work of the serpent to make people believe that only man lives in man.
It's an erroneous vision that locks man up, isolating him from himself, from others and from the truth.

God is truth.

If man cultivates or allows himself to cultivate an erroneous vision, he no longer knows himself and becomes incapable of mastering his life.

Man must know himself at every level of his being, in all the processes of his body, his will, his feelings and thoughts, his conscience and his intelligence.

Man is instinctively directed by universal forces and influences. That's why he's not conscious in all his bodies, and doesn't know how to steer everything he receives in the best direction. He is often driven to act because a world of sympathies-antipathies, of desires, animates him, bewitches him in spite of himself; it's an irresistible current, he has a desire or he doesn't have a desire, but he's not really conscious, he undergoes the situation.

If man is properly educated, if he is conscious and intelligent, he can make this snake an ally, because he himself always wants to progress and grow. It will then transmit powerful energy to man, enabling him to realize grandiose projects. For this to happen, all man has to do is know not to be under its influence, so as not to become its slave, otherwise the serpent will always lead him into situations where weakness will appear, followed by discontent, irritability, violence and everything else that makes man kindle within himself a fire of war and destruction. If man does this, he gives nourishment to worlds that aspire to make him passive, obedient and a slave to a heaven of counter-virtues and mortal domination.

If you want to master this primordial force of the serpent within you, you must organize the body of the Essene Nation so that it becomes powerful and stable on earth. This body is your body and it will be the gateway to the worlds.

You must bring the education of man into the body of the Essene Nation so that it educates you.

You must know the fundamentals of meditation and study in order to know yourselves from within, with impersonality and greatness.

You can use the sacred methods of worship and priestly magic to temporarily free yourself from certain influences, acquire a new vision and transform your way of life and the forces that govern your daily life.

You can also make retreats within the sacred precincts of Essene Villages to fast from the world of man and learn to act in the virtue opposite to your usual behavior. Such techniques can bring the snake to life, taking it away from you and giving it a new direction. In this way, you can gradually regain control of your life, individually and collectively, by planting new seeds in your soil for yourself, others and future generations.

Fasting extraordinarily weakens the negative snake. I'm not talking about fasting exclusively for food, but about the art of changing your habits, your way of looking at things, your way of living.

The negative snake likes to take hold of man, isolate him, lock him up in order to keep him to himself, to feed off him.

If man changes his habits and no longer feeds the snake, it is obliged to appear and leave man to feed elsewhere.

I'm delighted that the Essene Nation is seeking to acquire this wisdom, and I'll be sharing with you further teachings and insights into the science of the serpent. Know that this knowledge is inescapable and that mastery of this force is man's wisdom or stupidity, depending on what he does with it. You must know this knowledge, not just intellectually, but in the depths of your being.

You must be cunning like the serpent, who knows how to evaluate things, circumvent obstacles and find ways to reach his goal. It knows how to direct or divert influences, how to maneuver its boat to the desired destination.

You need to take hold of this knowledge, this strength and this art of living and being in order to benefit from greater flexibility, more freedom, the ability to make conscious choices in your life, to land on stable ground, to master the forces at work. Then you'll be able to succeed in your undertakings, in your projects, and walk the earth with dignity and freedom, going where you've decided to go. Can you do it? Do you know what you want?

Will you unite to bring forth the body of the Essene Nation that will give you power? That's another subject.

Archangel Michael Volume 37: Mastering the Serpent

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