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The contemporary Essene Nation

The Essene tradition has now taken on a body of manifestation through the Essene Nation. This nation is the fruit of thousands of years of work and prayer by men and women dedicated to the service of a higher world, who have enabled the tradition of light to cross the centuries to take its present form.

The Essenes are a tree that hides a forest. They are a branch of a much larger people who reincarnate ceaselessly to work tirelessly to establish God's order, the law of love, intelligence, justice and peace on earth and in human hearts. ''

Olivier Manitara

The contemporary Essene tradition

The Essene tradition is impersonal, eternal and immortal. It is revived from age to age by men and communities who place themselves at God's service, but it neither belongs to nor depends on any one being. Tradition is greater than all the beings who have represented it. There is no one man above the others who represents it; all Essenes represent it.

The contemporary Essene School was founded on August 19, 1991 by a small community of mystery-worshippers gathered around their guide, Olivier Manitara. Olivier Manitara was a pupil of the master Omraam Michaël Aïvanhov.

An avid student of universal wisdom and esotericism since childhood, he formed his body through numerous initiations to become an instrument of the divine world. He was guided and missioned by a higher world to lay the foundations of the Essene Nation on earth.

A guide to the Essene tradition for our time, Olivier Manitara is like a pathfinder, a servant of God among servants of God, an Essene among Essenes.

Over the years, the contemporary Essene community has resurrected the primordial state of consciousness of the Essene tradition, bringing back to earth the foundations that Enoch himself brought thousands of years ago.

Together, the Essenes have built Essene villages to live in community and erect places of worship for the higher worlds. They reopened a school of the mysteries, a school of education and training for the true man, the man who is turned to the service of God. They renewed the alliance of Light that unites all the kingdoms of creation. They reactivated the wheel of tradition, the circle of the round of the year through the Round of the Archangels and the celebration of the 4 seasons, the 4 fundamentals of life.

The Essene school allowed the higher worlds to approach Earth and resurrected the path of alliance with them and with all the kingdoms. By studying the great universal laws and putting them into practice, the Essene community has laid the foundations for a new civilization on earth. Humanity can once again be taught by Angels and Archangels, and this is a blessing for all beings.

The Essene Nation and the Essene Christian Church

The Essene Nation was officially founded in 2006. It is considered a charitable organization made up of a people of men and women who dedicate their lives to God.

The Essenes have chosen to form a nation in order to preserve the heritage of the Essene tradition and to live together in accordance with the values they hold dear. A nation is a human community characterized by a shared historical, cultural or religious identity.

The Essene Nation is a community of souls united by a common desire to bring about a new way of life on earth, in harmony with Mother Earth and the higher worlds.

Its vocation is to vivify the tradition of Light on earth and to give God a body of manifestation in the real world. It belongs to no man, to no human institution, for it is the will of a higher world.

The Essene Nation is therefore a people among peoples. A living community that aspires to be recognized as a nation in its own right, enabling all Essenes, wherever they may be, to live in accordance with their convictions and to promote their art of living through Essene Villages. It brings a new consciousness, a new education, a new vision and a new way of life that reveal a different way of being in the world.

The Essenes created the Essene Nation so that their vision of life could take shape on earth, right down to the realities of everyday life.

The Essene Christian Church is the legal form taken by the Essene Nation today. It is a non-sectarian, non-political religious movement open to all men and women, regardless of race, religion or social position.

A school of mysteries

The Essene Nation is a school of mysteries, as existed in ancient times and as has always existed on earth. In other words, it is a school of God, a school of life, a school of wisdom that awakens and guides man on the path to knowledge of himself and the entire universe.

The Essene Nation is a school of the mysteries, because it is a high place of human education and training. It is oriented towards the birth of Light within man.

Through very specific sacred techniques and methods, the Essene Nation transmits to its students a living teaching, experienced through the meditative arts, the art of movement, chanting, sacred dance, theurgic rites, the art of prayer and invocation...

It enables us to rediscover our living link with God. Not in abstractions, but in the real world, in a re-education of body and mind.

A mystery school helps man to build God's sacred and pure temple within himself. The man who worships the mysteries, the unknown, the unrevealed, the man who seeks to know and serve that which is greater than himself.

The Essene Nation is a school of the mysteries, giving man the tools to truly awaken and emerge from the world of illusions. In so doing, it guides him along the path to dignity, ennoblement and true royalty, that of the man who is one with God.

Within the Essene Nation, through the academy, the path of training, the massalas, the rites and their works, Essenes approach the mysteries and universal wisdom by studying its great laws and putting them into practice.

Celebration of the Archangelic Round

From time immemorial, in all traditions, Essenes have celebrated life and the divine spirit through living nature, its 4 seasons, its 4 elements and the higher intelligences that live behind them.

In contemporary Essene tradition, the celebration of the round of the year and the seasons is called the Round of the Archangels.

The Ronde des Archanges was first introduced to the Essene community in 2006. The celebration of the divine is punctuated by the round of the year and the alliance of the Essene people with the four principal Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Ouriel, who are the great intelligences behind the 4 elements and the 4 seasons. Michael is the Archangel of fire and autumn, Raphael of air and spring, Gabriel the Archangel of water and winter, and Ouriel the Archangel of earth and summer.

The celebration of the Round of Archangels is a celebration of the divine in all its forms. It's not something abstract; it's a blessing, a protection, a practice and an art of living daily life differently. It's a consecration, a conversion to a religion, an incorporation into a nation, a people.

Essenes and friends of Essenes who take part in the Ronde des Archanges celebrate the divine in both its visible and invisible manifestations, and in so doing help to revitalize the alliance between all the kingdoms of the Mother, minerals, plants, animals, men and the Father, Angels, Archangels, Gods.

Those who take part in the Round of Archangels consciously choose to carry an Angel in their lives, i.e. to live with a virtue in their everyday lives.

The Ronde des Archanges is both individual and collective. It constitutes the circle of daily life for every Essene, every man, every people. It is a way of life and an opportunity to live daily life differently, in consciousness and truth, to the rhythm of the great universal intelligence. It is a path of self-transformation, of individual awakening and reconstruction.

It is also a path of collective awakening, a circle of brotherhood, a circle of love, a sacred atmosphere, a protection and a blessing for all beings.

Sacred book of contemporary Essenes: the Essene Bible

During the Round of Archangels celebrations, Essenes honor the Archangels in temples dedicated to them. Assembled in prayer and meditation, they create in the subtle a land, a pure space in which the higher worlds can manifest and deliver their messages. From 2003 to 2016, for 13 uninterrupted years, the divine world was able to transmit its messages through the door opened by the Essenes. The appearance of the Bible is both the result of divine will and the work of a living community of individuals who have freely assembled to serve and honor the will of a higher world.

Through the unbroken lineage of the Essene masters, the divine word has never ceased to be transmitted to mankind. Through the Torah, the Gathas of Zoroaster, the Christian Gospels, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Puranas of India and the Koran, God has spoken to mankind through men and women chosen as the mouthpieces of divine superior intelligence. The Essene tradition recognizes all these texts as sacred books, manifestations of God's unique word.

These sacred texts, bearers of divine universal wisdom, are all worthy of being preserved and studied with respect and purity. However, most of these texts have been subject to interpretation over time, so that today it is difficult to access the original message of divine knowledge through them. Even if the divine word is timeless, and lives beyond time, beyond form, beyond the life of humanity itself, the form that the word takes depends on the context in which it appears. This is why it can give rise to misinterpretations, for it must be studied, understood, enlivened and applied in daily life in its timelessness, and therefore beyond its context of appearance.

Today, the Word of God has been revealed through the Essene Gospels of the Archangels. These gospels are like the updating of the divine word for our time. Given in simple, direct language, the Archangels deliver keys to universal wisdom adapted to the challenges facing humanity today. These Essene sacred texts have been given to us today, and their words are alive and well, providing those who study them with great keys to awakening and transformation that they can apply to their daily lives.

The Essene Nation: living as an Essene

Today, the Essene community is doing its utmost to ensure that God can once again manifest Himself on earth, in the real world, i.e. in all aspects of life on earth. That's why they build Essene villages, why they set up concrete projects so that every stage of life can be lived in accordance with what they believe to be just and good, in accordance with the great universal laws.

From birth to death, they set up structured organizations to ensure that human life is dignified and noble at every level. For the Essenes, taking care of the newborn child, offering it all the material but also spiritual and magical conditions, is of prime importance, as is taking care of the elders, those who carry wisdom and are about to pass through the veil of death. By attending to the two gates of birth and death, the Essenes take care of the great mystery of life and reopen the path to man's ennoblement.

Today, the Essene Nation, through a strong and stable organization, offers a different vision of the world. A way of being, another future, another future in harmony with living nature and respect for all its kingdoms, in accordance with the universal, eternal and immortal laws that govern all life. That's why the creation of a nation is so important, because it lays the stable, structured foundations for a new way of being in the world to truly appear on earth.

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