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The Essene Tradition

At the origin, there is a single tradition, a single religion, a single word, a single source, that which comes from God, that which is the body of God. Behind all religions, cultures and sciences lies this single source, the primordial tradition of Light. This primordial tradition is the Essene tradition. It is the tradition that is the body of God on earth, the tradition of the divine covenant, uniting all beings and all the kingdoms of creation in a single body of wisdom and truth.

The Essene tradition is the first tradition, which carries within itself the essence of universal teaching, the wisdom of the ages, the divine spirit. It is the unbroken tradition of the sons and daughters of the Light, the envoys of God who have successively come to earth to teach humanity.

The Essene tradition is like a river that has been flowing since the beginning of time. The current is sometimes strong and visible and sometimes gentler and more hidden, but it continues to flow, never completely stopped.

Whatever its form of manifestation on earth, whatever its name, the Essene tradition has endured down the ages through civilizations and masters who, each in their own sphere and each in their own time, have been the representatives of God's word on earth. Some of its manifestations, some of its representatives, have been more visible than others, but all have ensured that the tradition of the mysteries has been preserved and is the guarantor of a balance in humanity.

The Essene tradition: the original tradition of Light

Early humanity was Essene, that is, united with God. They lived in his omnipresence, until certain beings broke away to individualize themselves and recreate a world cut off from the kingdom of God. This was the fall of mankind.

Enoch was the first man missioned by God to rise from the fall and re-establish dialogue and alliance with the divine world. Through this alliance with the higher worlds, he engendered an entire civilization in the service of God. This is why Enoch is considered the father of the Essene tradition, and of all traditions. He was the first man on earth to re-establish contact with the divine world and establish his reign.

Enoch was truly the bearer of a way of being in the world in conformity with divine universal laws. He laid down scriptures on earth, foundations that have been perpetuated down the ages within the authentic traditions of the Light.

To honor the divine mysteries; to build and consecrate spaces and temples for their worship; to educate men in the knowledge of divine laws; to train priests, men and women consecrated to the service of God through sacred initiations; to train beings in the knowledge of the laws of magic and the worlds; to open schools dedicated to the study of the mysteries of man, nature and the entire universe; to celebrate the divine in all beings; to renew the alliance with all kingdoms; to establish an art of living on earth in respect of the great divine laws, in harmony and respect for all beings and all living kingdoms, ... these are the fundamental principles of the Light tradition.

These great principles, which Enoch laid down on earth thousands of years ago, have endured down the ages through the tradition of the Light.

The lineage of the Masters: from Enoch to the present day

The Essene tradition, as the source of wisdom in all the world's traditions, has never ceased to be reincarnated in different guises over the centuries.

According to Essene Tradition, Enoch is the founding father of the Essene people. He represents man as intended by God, the true man, the master, bearer of universal wisdom and pillar of the alliance between all the kingdoms of creation. Enoch spoke with God. Taught directly in his mysteries, he was able to establish the religion of Light on earth. In his footsteps, many men and women have walked through the centuries in an attempt to bring the word of the Father and Mother to mankind, and thus bring the religion of Light, perfect philosophy, wisdom, justice and economy to earth. Since Enoch, the flame of divine memory has never been extinguished. This flame, this memory, has been transmitted and activated over time by a line of masters initiated by Enoch himself. Through him came the line of sons and daughters of God who make up the unbroken Essene tradition.

An authentic master is the representative of the tradition, its spokesman, the bearer of the divine covenant. Behind the master, it's the tradition that must be seen. If we stop at the masters' outwardly human personality, we can't really understand the greatness of the world he embodies. The awakened see within the master the union with the divine world. Through the words, deeds and being of a master, it is the impersonal tradition of Light that must be seen and recognized.

The great Essene masters are not beings of power. They are servants of the divine world, who for centuries have remained faithful to their sacred mission of preserving the flame of the covenant and transmitting Essene wisdom - the wisdom of the ages - to mankind.

From Enoch to the present day, via the Pharaohs of Egypt, Rama, Krishna, Zoroaster, Hermes Thoth, Moses, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Pythagoras, Jesus, Mani, Mohammed, the Knights Templar, the Cathars, the Rosicrucians... and closer to home, the Initiatic Schools of the Masters Rudolf Steiner, Peter Deunov, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, the Essene tradition has never been interrupted. Today, the torch has been passed on to Olivier Manitara, who has revived the flame of tradition on earth.

Each of these great masters has consciously and impersonally enlivened the body of Essene tradition, so that the river of wisdom can continue to flow and water humanity.

The Essene tradition for all beings

A master, an initiate, a child of light does not appear from nothing. He incarnates on earth within a tradition to bring it to life in his own life. Many men and women in the tradition have been initiated into the mysteries of the birth of light, perpetuating on earth the lineage of the sons and daughters of God. For this reason, the mystery schools are of prime importance, educating men and women in the memory of the wisdom of the ages, the wisdom that makes God appear on earth.

The Essene masters don't just come for the men. They are the intermediary between all the kingdoms of creation: the kingdoms of the Mother and the kingdoms of the Father. Men are nothing if they are not united with all the visible and invisible beings that inhabit living nature. Without minerals, without plants, without animals, without water, without earth, without air, without fire, man is nothing. The masters come for the Mother, the earth, for all the beings that inhabit her, and to make possible the presence of the Father's reigns, the Angels, Archangels and Gods on earth.

Without the presence of the Essene masters, mankind would be confined to a world of slavery, prey to the dark forces that enslave them without their being aware of it. The function of an authentic master is to guide, enlighten, educate and lead man towards awakening. It is to guide him along the path of his destiny, remaining faithful to what lies deep within him.

Since the dawn of time, Essenes have known the importance of the presence of Masters of Light on earth. That's why they work in secrecy to build them a body, a land of manifestation, with respect for the Mother's kingdoms and devotion to the Father's world, so that the incarnation of the Essene masters can continue in purity.

The importance of the Masters' tradition down the ages

Each authentic Essene Master incarnated on earth with a specific mission. Each, in his or her own way, has brought to humanity the keys to wisdom, the great knowledge needed to keep mankind in a state of enlightenment. Each at his or her own level has helped to keep alive or re-establish the mystery schools that enliven the spirit of tradition in mankind.

The Essene masters have had grandiose spiritual and civilizing influences. Numerous are the masters who have initiated mankind into high learning, dispensing teachings that are at once esoteric and magical, intellectual, moral, artistic... and bringing religion, science, art, culture and civilization to the whole of humanity...

All authentic masters are bearers of the same superior intelligence, the spirit of Christ, which manifests itself in different facets. This higher intelligence, the flame of the Essene tradition, is the guarantor of the preservation of humanity of light on earth, and thus of the living alliance between all kingdoms. This is why the higher worlds have always sent sons and daughters of God to earth.

Human history is cyclical, with prosperous periods succeeding darker ones. Over the centuries, great civilizations have arisen, bringing uncommon abundance and wealth to the earth before falling. These great civilizations were created by initiated beings, envoys of God, with knowledge of universal mysteries and guidance from a higher world.

The history of the tradition of the Essene masters has often been repeated from age to age. In periods of great enlightenment, power-hungry beings have weakened the alliance with the higher worlds, using it for mortal and political ends... putting God's religion at the service of human life. This is why the great initiates and envoys of God have often been scorned, banished or forced to flee their homeland to preserve the covenant and the treasures of light received from the divine world.

When his religion becomes a dead letter, God renews his word through his envoy. In the history of mankind, many initiatic currents have been slandered and massacred, even though they preach love, tolerance and enlightenment... because they knew the Light of truth that sets man free, lifts him into the Light, ennobles and elevates him beyond the dogmas and beliefs that enslave him.

God has always sent his messengers to earth. In the darkest periods of human history, He has sent His sons and daughters to lift mankind up and prevent it from sinking into total decay.

Contemporary Essene masters

At the end of the 19th century, the Essene tradition was reborn with Peter Deunov. In the sacred mountains of Bulgaria, Peter Deunov, called Beinsa Douno by his disciples, reveals himself to be an authentic guide to humanity. His incarnation marked a turning point in the history of the Essene tradition and of humanity in general.

Through his work, he gave a new voice to the Light and reopened on earth a path that had disappeared. He taught in the sacred mountains of Bulgaria, withdrawn from the world of men. He recreated conditions conducive to a new alliance between mankind and the higher worlds. Together with his disciples, they truly revived the Essene tradition and reopened the path of Light. Together, they called forth a great force of blessing for all mankind. Through sacred song and dance, they succeeded in creating a circle, a community strong enough to enable Archangel Michael to touch the earth again, and also to bring forth high vibrations filled with ideas of brotherhood, renewal and liberation, the premises of a new era.

Master Peter Deunov passed on the torch to his disciple Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, who in turn was able to receive the teaching of Essene wisdom in purity and impersonality and pass it on within his initiatory school of universal white brotherhood.

The torch of the Essene tradition then passed into the hands of Olivier Manitara, a pupil of Master Aïvanhov. Olivier Manitara isolated himself for a few years in order to initiate work on himself and establish contact with a higher world. In August 1991, after years of determined work, the contemporary Essene School was created. 12 years later, an alliance with the Archangels was concluded and the Essene Nation came into being.


The contemporary Essene tradition is today revitalized by the Essene Nation. The Essene Nation is the new manifestation body of the primordial Essene tradition on earth. Through a stable international structure, it is once again laying the foundations for a perennial civilization at the service of a higher world on earth.

The lineage of the Essene masters through the ages

  • Enoch - Over 30,000 BC

  • Isis - Ancient Egypt

  • Maat - Ancient Egypt

  • Hathor - Ancient Egypt

  • Initiates of Atlantis - Between 23,000 and 10,000 B.C.

  • Noah - Around 10,000 BC

  • Rama - Around 6700 BC

  • Egypt of the Pharaohs Sons of the Sun - Between approx. 5000 and 2400 BC.

  • Fo Hi - Around 2800 BC.

  • Zoroaster - Around 2600 BC.

  • Hermes-Thot - Around 2400 BC.

  • Abraham - Approximately 1800 BC.

  • Akhenaton - Around 1400 BC.

  • Hiétora - Between 1400 and 1300 BC

  • Moses - Around 1300 BC

  • Orpheus - Around 1300 BC.

  • Elijah - Around 900 B.C.

  • Numa - Approximately 715 to 673 BC.

  • Buddha - Approximately 623 to 543 BC.

  • Lao Tzu - Approximately 604 to 531 B.C.

  • Confucius - 551-479 B.C.

  • Pythagoras - 570-480 BC

  • Socrates - 469-399 B.C.

  • Plato - 427-346 B.C.

  • Saint John the Baptist - 1st century BC - 1st century AD

  • Saint John and Jesus - 1st century

  • Mary and Mary Magdalene - 1st century BC - 1st century AD

  • Apolonius of Thyana - 16-98 AD

  • Mani - Between about 216 and 277

  • Bodhidhama - Between 420 and 536

  • Tara - Between 500 and 600

  • Kuan Yin - Between 500 and 600

  • Mahomet - Between approx. 570 and 632

  • Padmasambhava - 717-762

  • The Bogomils - Between around 800 and 1100

  • The Knights Templar - 1129 to 1312

  • Esclarmonde de Foix - 1151-1215

  • Cathars - 1167 to 1244

  • Christian Rose+Croix - 1378-1484

  • The Rose+Croix movement - Between around 1413 and 1925

  • Jean Trithème - 1462-1516

  • Paracelsus - 1493-1541

  • Jakob Böhme - 1575-1624

  • Emanuel Swedenborg - 1688-1772

  • Martinès de Pasqually - 1727-1774

  • Jean-Baptiste Willermoz - 1730-1824

  • Louis-Claude de Saint Martin - 1743-1803

  • Fabre d'Olivet - 1767-1825

  • Eliphas Levi - 1810-1875

  • Saint Yves d'Alveydre - 1842-1909

  • Stanislas de Guaita - 1861-1897

  • Rudolf Steiner - 1861-1925

  • Papus - 1865-1916

  • Peter Deunov - 1864-1944

  • Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov - 1900-1986

  • Babaji - 1970-1984

  • Olivier Manitara - 1964-2020

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