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The legend of the Angel of Love

The Angel of Love

In a secret, legendary garden in the soul of the earth lies the home of the Angel of Love.

From his ever-open heart emanates a spiritual water that the angel captures at the source of the cosmic ocean and spreads over the whole earth for the happiness of all living creatures.

This is how all the flowers, oceans and waters of the world come into being in an uninterrupted stream.

Through ceaseless work, the angel of love weaves and cleanses the seven veils of peace and joy that protect the Mother of the world and enable all beings to live in prosperity and health. The love that emanates from the Father of the living and circulates in the soul of the World Mother is the guarantor of celestial order and of the good, upright and beautiful life. Without love, the earth withers and death triumphs.

All men know the Angel of Love and long to receive his blessing.

The Angel of Hate

But all also know his twin brother, the angel of hate, who dwells in a dark, icy palace in the heart of the night.

There, cunning, wickedness, ugliness and destruction reign. It is here that the energy of God's wrath is stored.

Primordial tradition has it that one evening, the Angel of Hatred approached his Brother's palace with caution and called out to him in his reductive voice.

Dialogue between the 2 Angels

Ever attentive and thoughtful, love answered and came to meet his brother surrounded by his servants, young winged children holding the goblets of all the virtues and beauties of the world.

What a fabulous spectacle it was to see gentleness and violence-cruelty united in parley!

The dark one spoke first:

"Greetings to you, my blessed Brother.

You never stop working and making the earth fertile.

You shower your blessings on all the world's creatures and open up a radiant future for everyone.

Everywhere you engender harmony and health.

You comfort the weak and drive forward the strong.

You have placed the cure beside the disease, you have instilled ingenuity where the soil was barren, you have nurtured the seed of generosity where the harvest was plentiful, you have revealed to all the source of the free inner joy that enables us to overcome all trials with sense, courage and profit.

You placed sharing as the symbol of wealth, and instilled the quest for the essential in all bold hearts.

An act performed with love is worth all the treasures of an indifferent world.

Wherever your influence extends, you have planted the banner of celestial order and its justice, to be honored as a pledge of a loving alliance between high and low, between infinite heaven and evolving earth.

By too much contemplation of the earth of light, men come to forget the lower and grosser regions of their being.

Your virtuous young servants make them lose sight of their shortcomings and incite them to laziness, carelessness and sterile contemplation.

The truth is, I'm worried, men will end up forgetting you, losing their sense of things. By spoiling them too much, they'll become ungrateful, full of themselves, and then they'll turn cowardly away from the hand that protects and guides them. They will disown you, their benefactor, their precious friend, you who offer your blood and sweat for their well-being.

Are we not brothers?

Let's unite and put men in their rightful place.

Let us make them suffer to teach them humility, prayer and merit.

Let us destroy their joy to purify them through trial and make them stronger through adversity. In this way, they will remember us and understand your value.

They will honor you, and your power will triumph in their hearts.

In the night they will run to you, for you will shine for them like a radiant sun. You will be their savior, their hope, they will yearn for your presence. Let them know sorrow, dictatorship, oppression, war, anarchy, cruelty.
It will be a trial for them, a test of their faithfulness. Only he who is immersed in darkness can aspire to the light, and if he does not seek it, then he was not worthy of it. Why offer something that isn't deserved, that hasn't been earned through sweat and blood?

I assure you, I'm speaking for your own good. I've been thinking about this a lot: men will eventually forget you, they won't honor you anymore, you won't find any more students for your Initiatory School, no more servants to support you in your task, and the sacred path that leads to the Father's consciousness and presence will be neglected. They will turn the word of our Father-Mother into superstition. I beg you, stop trusting them, close the credits of your heart.

Am I not your brother?

Already men hardly perceive you.
Renounce for a time your blessing, your protection, break the seals of the celestial order, bring down the banner of justice and peace, close your School and call back your servants.

Then I can act fully and spread terror in their hearts, in their minds, in their bodies.

I will destroy this world that has forsaken you, and you will be able to rebuild another that is more just and more in keeping with what you are. Men will once again seek you out and honor you. Destroyed and tortured, they will accept your gifts with gratitude. Their pride will be humbled, their ignorant wisdom revealed. The curse of men who swear at God and cry injustice is a dish of delight to me. Their repentant tears will be incense for you; I speak only of joy for you and for me.

"Faced with such a proposal, the angel of love remained silent, his smile and luminous gaze his only response.

The angel of hatred, understanding his failure, felt anger rise up inside him, and barely containing himself, addressed his Brother once more:

"Don't you understand that men no longer respect us, that they distort us.
I'm weaker than you to fight their insults, for I stand beneath them, and if they no longer honor you, I fall ill. They use me for purposes other than those inscribed in me by the Father-Mother.

Men have forgotten their celestial origin

Protected by your blessing, they are content with their insignificant little lives. They themselves have turned away from you, dreaming only of battle, power, conquest, laziness and a futile life.

Let me show them the true face of their love and their Master and then, disillusioned, they'll turn back to you, they'll put themselves at your School. Do you not understand that you are but a memory to them, that they have deserted your altars, destroyed your institutions, made a mockery of your commandments...

Look through my eyes and your wisdom will be confounded: men have denied you, and they have made themselves my School. Abandon them, let me complete their training and show them the true face of their love...

The angel of hatred uttered such words that the whole earth shook and was ravaged by cataclysms.

The angel of love, filled with compassion for his Brother, broke his silence:

"The Father-Mother has placed me on high, and you he has placed below men.
So you depend on them, and if they turn away from me, they awaken anger and destructiveness in you.

However, they make me suffer too, but you must keep up your courage, for I will not break the sacred seals of the covenant of love to restore you to health. I cannot condemn billions of living entities to pain.

"Truth is contained in patience"

You who offered yourself as a sacrifice to carry all the world's creatures in your bosom, remember your sacred origin. I will continue to protect mankind and offer them all my love. I will weave for them the finest garments of virtue.

I will exalt before them beauty, gentleness, greatness, forgiveness, reconciliation, generosity... until their hearts awaken and, overcome by my example and bliss, they remember their origin and celebrate their homeland of light once again. Again and again I will send my children into their midst to speak my words, perpetuate my School and realize my goals. With all my strength at work, I will protect the beautiful, the just, the true. I will entrust eternal life to it, so that no luminous effort of spirit and life is lost.

Never will my flame cease to shine and bless."

So spoke the angel of love.

Then hatred left the heavenly garden and returned to its dark abode.

Rejoice, men, that the angel of love has remained faithful and true.
Weep over the dark angel from time to time, for man's tears of repentance are for him a balm of joy, a secret hope that one day men will awaken in love and finally heal the sick angels, tired of being separated from the Father of lights.

Olivier Manitara

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