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The Mother through the ages

At the dawn of humanity, human beings intuitively knew they had a Father and a Mother. The Father was seen as the great creator, invisible, inaccessible, beyond all, while the Mother appeared through the reality of the earth and the visible beauty of living nature.

Thus, Mother Earth became the source of adoration and devotion for the first peoples, who saw in her the visible and real manifestation of the divine: the great Goddess Gaia, Pachamama, Dana...

Mother Earth was venerated by early peoples as the manifestation of the Mother in the real world. Mother Earth is living nature, animated by its forces and spirits. She is the tangible, visible body of the Mother who radiates her beauty through the diversity of nature and its sublime landscapes.

Through her, the great laws of the Archangels are manifested in reality, coming alive and animated by the water of springs, rivers, lakes and oceans; by crystals, stones and mountains; by plants, flowers and forests; by pure air and the breath of the wind; by the fire of the sun in all forms of life.

Among early peoples, nature spirits, trees, plants, rivers, animals and mountains were venerated and honored as divine creations. Living links were forged and strengthened, and man was able to enter into a relationship and speak with Mother Earth through the stones, flowers, rivers, wind, bear, eagle..., receiving teachings, guidance and wisdom from her.

As man felt united with the original source, with the universe and with all forms of life, a deep bond of love and communion was established between him and nature. He was not really different from the other kingdoms, but lived naturally in the great harmony of the world, without any thirst for his own existence or spirit of domination.

She who gives birth to all forms of life was perceived as the Great Mother. Throughout the ages, she was depicted as a generous woman with a round belly and large breasts, as the one who gives birth, protects and nourishes. Ceremonies, prayers, songs and dances have been offered to her by many peoples in all the world's traditions, and have permanently maintained this living, sacred link between man and earth.

In this way, man became a worshipper of the Mother through his sacred, living communion with Mother Earth. The woman, her representative, was then honored, respected and protected as the heart of life itself, the precious wisdom, the guardian of the home, the family, the virtues of gentleness, caring, childbirth, healing...

Over time, man has gradually lost touch with this sacred, fundamental and precious link with Mother Earth, and has allowed his awareness of unity with the other kingdoms of creation to erode. Seeing himself as a superior kingdom and no longer as a child of the Great Mother, he has allowed the seed of separation and disharmony to grow within him, cultivating slavish thoughts and actions towards his brothers and sisters the stones, trees and animals, thus weakening the thread of his own history and gradually losing the noble meaning of his existence and the memory that links him to the divine origin of life.

Religions sprang up in an attempt to rediscover man's sacred link with his divine origin, and in the background, through all the great religious currents, the voice of the Mother was always trying to make itself heard.

This is how she expressed herself in the teachings of Moses:

"Take off your sandals, for the ground on which you walk is holy" ;


"You trample me underfoot", "No one can go to the Father without passing through me" ;

or Buddha, meditating on the Mother.

The Mother has also inspired women who have become the feminine icons of the world's great religions. These women have left their mark on peoples and civilizations, pouring their seeds of Light onto the earth, opening the way to the Great Original Mother. We still remember Isis and Hator in Egypt, Demeter in Greece, Shakti in India, Kuan Yin and Tara in Asia, Ishtar in Mesopotamia, Venus among the Romans, Dana among the Celts, Mary and Mary Magdalene in Christianity... These goddesses and great initiates show us that, in every religious tradition, the Mother was sensed, sought after and honored.

Man naturally seeks to understand the meaning of creation, and needs reference points and images to situate himself in this great mystery and put words to his intuitive understanding. Quite often, we seek the meaning of our existence to reassure ourselves, whereas we need to awaken to our true role and, in a way, to our non-existence. Every attempt man has made to get closer to the original source of creation has been subordinated to his thirst for existence, to this deep inner quest for landmarks, representations and meaning to give to life.

The human being is a mystery which, despite all the increasingly precise discoveries made by science about the human body, has yet to be fully elucidated. Nature is, Mother Earth is, the eagle is, the tree is, the river is, but man is not; he is an instrument of worlds, a precious and extraordinary high-precision tool in the hands of the gods and higher intelligences. This non-existence within the great serenity and peace of Mother Earth drives him to identify with something, with a being he is not, and to seek his true being. Man is a creation of the universe and the gods, and every part of his body and being are connected to the influences of the cosmos. Man sees and perceives what surrounds him and wants to feel united with the whole of creation, to honor the intelligences that created him and created life, and yet he dissociates himself from his universe, his original source and his Mother.

Man has made a representation of the original source, which he has called God, under various names, in all traditions and religions. This great original creative principle has been perceived by many peoples as twofold: Father and Mother.

The Father is the supreme good, the great infinite, eternal, immortal love. He remains eternally invisible and acts in the hidden. He is the unmanifest.

Mother is the manifested, the creation that takes on a body, that manifests itself, and in this she is the real.

She is the breath of life that makes worlds appear.

She is, quite simply, life, existence, being. She is the birth principle of all forms of life, from gods to stones. Thus, the Mother is both beyond all and in all. She is the giver of life, bringing forth the splendor of her heavenly spouse, the Father, who dwells in the unmanifest.

Humans have represented the Mother through Goddesses, and have tried to perceive her through initiated women, but they have never in the history of the world been able to communicate directly with her. The Mother had never opened the door to direct communication with mankind on earth, as she is doing today in a historic way through her alliance with the Essene Nation.

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