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The Mystery Tradition

The mysteries of the spirit in the tradition of Archangel Michael.

There was a time when the mysteries of the spirit were alive on earth.

In the face of the celebration of these mysteries, men were in veneration. Everything that remotely concerned these divine mysteries was regarded with the utmost respect and the most humble eyes. In those days, men stood in right consciousness and right attitude before the mystery of the divine world, which was then protected and put in the first place, as the sovereign. In this way, they could truly live, dwell and breathe with the mysteries.

A whole hierarchy, a whole body, surrounded the celebration of the mysteries. At its apex stood the highest initiates, the pure, those who cared for the integrity of the symbols and were their guarantors, so that the world of Light remained absolutely pristine and inviolate. The rest of the body, the hierarchy, was formed by the people, who protected these great initiates, for in them still lived the awareness that the virginity of the mysteries was the very essence of all existence.

No words could describe these mysteries, for they were the life and presence of eternity on earth. No curious, mortal eye was to rest upon them. That's why these celebrations were surrounded by a skilfully constituted body, so that absolutely nothing was accessible to the profane, the unprepared man whose entire existence is animated by the realm of recycling and death.

If such a man approached the mysteries, he would bring with him the spirit of profanation and could therefore pollute the virginity of the divine world.

This awareness was alive among the initiates, who protected the Covenant and the presence of the divine world in scripture, symbols and sacred rites.

The first manifestation of the mysteries on earth was called the "Covenant".

It manifested itself when a chosen man was able, through his prepared being, to bring down the divine world by manifesting it through certain words and scriptures, certain symbols and sacred rites.

This man not only opened the gates of heaven and earth, but unified the worlds in Light and higher intelligence. Through his whole being, he was the manifestation of the mysteries of the spirit and had the ability to transmit them, to radiate them all around him. This is how education and Tradition came into being.

The first priests and magi in the school of Archangel Michael

The first men to be initiated into these secrets, and who became capable of mastering and keeping alive the flame of the mysteries and the Covenant, were called "Essenes". They were the first priests, the first guides and the first therapists of the earth and of humanity.

From the presence and celebration of the mysteries on earth have sprung all the great civilizations and religions whose memory has disappeared today.

Through the presence of the Covenant, the mysteries possessed the power to maintain humanity in a high vibration of existence. But they were also the source of supreme power and royalty. That's why they aroused the lust and greed of those who wanted to acquire power not to honor the divine world, but to live in the world of recycling or death.

Protecting the mysteries

The role of the Essenes was to protect these mysteries by forming an opaque, hermetic body, preventing any impure spirit from penetrating their secrets.

The light of the Alliance was to live in the darkness, but the darkness was not to seize it. This was the watchword of the mysteries, and why they were called "mysteries".

These mysteries were to remain impenetrable to profaners, thieves, profiteers and mortals. They were revealed only to those who had shown themselves capable of awakening the immortal in them. But over time, the vigilance of the guardians was corrupted, and gradually the eye of the world of men was able to rest on what should not be defiled; man began to look at what he should not look at.

The world of death in the school of Archangel Michael

The eye of death leads everything to the world of death. That which was to remain deeply veiled from human eyes was revealed to them. All was shown, all was known. Men entered the temples and laid their eyes on all the symbols, on all the scriptures, but they didn't have the organs to understand them. So the divine world withdrew, giving way to another world that appeared and usurped the mysteries of the spirit, diverting them from their original mission. Men of course continued to study the mysteries of the spirit, but behind them now stood the world of death and no longer life, for the Alliance was no longer there.

Death is not what you think, not what you imagine; it's a very real, living world.

Only the immortal living, those who have been properly prepared, can cross over to this world hidden behind appearances and safely reach the other shore, where the mysteries can regain their original purity.

Uninitiated men who have succeeded in laying their eyes on the mysteries have only been able to see their own limitations, which they have erected into superstitions and sterile, false religions. They had access only to the outer form, and perceived only symbols and scriptures which, on contact with them, became dead letter. At best, they grasped an instruction manual, but were unable to use it. As a result, they remained only on the surface and were unable to penetrate the heart of the sanctuary, for the divine world had closed all the doors.

Each time a chosen one of the Father has presented himself at the portal of the divine world, properly prepared and bearing the signs of the Covenant, the doors have been half-opened and sometimes even opened.

Great masters and envoys of light have regularly appeared on earth.

In each new era, they have attempted to revive the mysteries of the spirit, to bring life and culture, and to open up a sacred path for humanity and the earth, still trapped in the nets of the kingdom of death and recycling. The great challenge for one of the Father's chosen is to transmit this knowledge to the world and reconstitute the body that will enable the divine world to come and dwell once again on earth in truth.

Men eager for divine knowledge, but unprepared in the wisdom of the mysteries, have found that chosen ones, envoys of the divine world, blessed ones, masters, pure beings standing in the Covenant had validated certain words, certain symbols, certain rites as being links with a higher world.

So they told themselves that they would verify these scriptures and use them, because they had to be eternally true. This concept is true, but it can also be completely false.

For a scripture or symbol to be inhabited by the divine world, the body that protects the mysteries of the spirit must be alive on earth and perfectly constituted. Then the gates of heaven and earth open, and life can circulate in all worlds. If the Covenant is not present, a world other than eternity inhabits writing.

Symbols have become dead, because the eyes that rested on them were no longer inhabited by souls filled with the presence of the life-giving spirit. Instead, they were inhabited by the world of death. This is why the divine world does not like symbols to be exposed to the eyes of uneducated, untrained men.

What must remain eternally inaccessible

It is a great danger to reveal what must remain eternally inaccessible to the eyes of those who live only for death, in the vain hope of saving a life already condemned. The vision of these beings is driven solely by an unhealthy, external curiosity, a kind of spiritual voyeurism. They aspire to know everything out of greed, thirst to satiate themselves, to possess, but not to honor life and sanctify the hidden Name of the Father, the Mother and the tradition of Light.

The mysteries are not handed down to mankind to justify its life in the world of death and recycling, but to open a path to that which is sacred and pure from all eternity, and which stands beyond the world of the Fall.

Many initiates have fallen by breaking their oaths. They wanted to offer the divine world to the world of men, and so showed before profane eyes what should only be gazed upon by purity. Then the divine world withdrew and the gates were closed.

Only those chosen by the Father, the Mother and the tradition of Light can lay their eyes on the Holy Scriptures and resurrect the spirit with their purity and inner strength.

The light within them is a sacred mystery that possesses the power to reactivate the spirit through the letter, to reunite worlds and allow doors to open again. If you meet such a being and recognize him or her, you must unite around him or her to form the body of the Covenant on earth, which allows the divine world to descend once again and bring life to all manifestations of spirit.

If you want to make your way to the divine world, you have to be the living, not the living dead. But that's precisely where your great difficulty lies, for to journey towards life is to journey towards the mystery, towards that which you don't know and which is hidden from you. Everyone seeks this treasure, but very few find it.

The mysteries of the spirit are activated again

Today, the mysteries of the spirit are once again being activated in the world of man through Essene teaching and the emergence of the Essene Nation. This is not necessarily a new revelation, but simply the ancient and eternal tradition, reformulated, updated and adapted to your times. In this way, the wisdom that remains eternally inaccessible to the profane can once again find its way to those who are willing to take the trouble to study and enter into the mystery in order to honor and serve it.

If you are awake - or in the process of awakening - and want to walk the path of life, you must seize this opportunity in purity and work tirelessly until you form the perfect body around this new manifestation of the Covenant of Light.

It's good that Essenes are studying this new manifestation of the mysteries of the spirit, as you learn to focus your attention and concentration, taking your first steps into sacred magic. However, be aware that the condition required for the Alliance to be alive again with the presence of the divine spirit is that the Teaching be placed in the most sacred, inaccessible and inviolable mysteries.

I know that some of you use ancient symbols and scriptures from dead religions and traditions for magical practices. But I'm telling you that unless you reconnect these symbols to their divine origin, the only magic that can work is the magic you breathe into them yourself. Only your intelligence, your inner understanding, your soul force can and must activate the power of these symbols, for they are no longer activated by a real alliance with higher worlds.

It's important for you to understand that the divine world is no longer to be found in these symbols, and that the power of magic comes from your own energy and from those spiritual worlds you call the "astral".

Don't believe that these intermediate worlds are the divine world, for it is in them that the world of man and death reigns.

Do not enter into this great illusion.

Opening the way to the mysteries of the spirit

Concentrate on real, tangible, concrete acts.

Unite heaven and earth in purity and wisdom.

The mysteries of the spirit will reveal themselves to you when you're alive with your real works and the light you offer the Mother. In the meantime, you are in danger, for you still believe that an illusory astral world is the realm of Light, and you are bringing this world into that which is pure and belongs to the sphere of the Archangels. This is a warning, a caution, for you must not continue to walk this path.

Originally, the mysteries of the spirit were the nourishment of the Gods and of living men, but today men seek nourishment in order to be continually dead. They seek only to feel that they exist at any cost, swallowing and amassing countless knowledge and experience, as if they wanted to eat all the fruit of a tree at once.

The mysteries of the mind exist in the same way as the tree. The tree exists in everything that exists, but not in the way you imagine. You eat the fruit without rising to the lived knowledge of being a tree. You don't know the tree, its profound mystery, its divinity, its language, its soul, its spirit, its reality in many worlds. You don't even know what the fruit is or the message it brings.

You're really on the outside, because when you say you're approaching the divine world, you're moving even further away from it, into an exterior and towards appearances that cultivate an even greater illusion. Then everything becomes absolutely false; it's a desecration.

In the purity of the mysteries, the tree was seen as wisdom incarnate, as life, as the very manifestation of the mysteries and divinity. Meeting the tree was like meeting the mystery, the presence, the revelation of the spirit, not to invent a world, but to illuminate an existing one, to make it wise, intelligent, sacred, alive, true, pure.

The aspirant had to encounter the mystery of the tree within himself, by becoming alive himself. Then he would commune with the great current of universal life and reconnect with the link of Light that unifies all and makes all alive. This link was the original religion of life and the mysteries of the spirit that speak through everything and reveal themselves in purity and truth.

Today, man approaches wisdom only to devour its fruits, making a mockery of the tree. He wants to eat all the knowledge in the world, only to live in the world of death. He doesn't want to discover another world and, above all, he doesn't want to carry and embody living knowledge. He just wants to stay as he is and live better in the world of death and recycling.

Before you can eat the fruit, you need to penetrate and deepen the world of roots to understand the origin of life, its beginning. Then you need to be initiated into the mysteries of the trunk, followed by those of the branches, buds, leaves, flowers and finally the fruit.

The fruit is the culmination, but you must be aware that before that there is a whole path, a whole wisdom. But people don't care about this wisdom; they just want to eat the fruit and dream their lives as they see fit, building a destiny that has nothing to do with reality and is uprooted from the celestial order and harmony of the worlds. There's no respect, no wisdom, no divine filiation in such an attitude. Then the fruit doesn't have the same taste, the same virtue, because if it's eaten by death, it will taste like death, but if it's eaten by life, not only will it engender life, but it will nourish the eternal, the immortal, the subtle worlds right up to the divine world.

Be simple, stop trying to devour everything to fill the nothingness of your ephemeral existence, and instead make what you have alive and intense.

Learn gratitude and make the most of your inheritance, what's yours.

There's no point in casting your gaze everywhere in search of what you can't bring to life, what you can't digest and which will remain standing.

Let go of what's not yours, what you can't master and lead to perfection. Be content with what you have and make of it a marvel, a treasure, a beauty, a splendor that delights the Gods and makes you alive, pure, true, lovable like a light that enlightens, warms, invigorates.

It's no use hoarding death. You must now find life, which reconnects you to life and makes everything alive in covenant with the mystery of the spirit.

Meditate on this psalm until its understanding comes to your heart and its strength comes to your soul, for it is a fruit from the great religion-tradition of the Light. Lead this fruit to life and not to death.

You must meditate, study and work on yourselves, because today you no longer know the difference between life and death. You don't know life anymore, you mix up worlds and you really don't understand that the spirit of life withdraws when the mysteries are no longer honored in purity and truth. Then all that's left is the dead letter, which is a rotting corpse. This is what men worship and adore in their ignorance. How do you expect the divine world to approach such worship?

Psalm 150 Michael

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