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The powerful magic of the Fourth Jubilee

Message from Father Ouriel

"Father Ouriel, with the celebration of your Feast of Light, we come to the close of the Essene Nation's third jubilee.
The first saw the rebirth of the mystery of the Round of Archangels. The second saw the reappearance of the 4 Seals of the Body of God and the permanence of sacred worship within the Essene Villages. The third was the reincarnation of God in the Statue of Light and the establishment of his cult of immortal light through a circle of dedicated, consecrated and eternally committed relatives.
Father, you who are wise, do you have any teaching and guidance?"

Archangel Ouriel:

"Everything you've just described is living writing that was placed on earth by a higher world with the help of the Essenes, the Essenes for the purpose of serving God and fulfilling His will.

This scripture is real, and it speaks for itself for those who take the time to read and meditate on it outside the grasp of man's worldly concepts and interests, which lead to death.

Laying down this scripture through the cycle of 3 jubilees has been a fine achievement on the part of those who have gathered under the banner of the eternal Essene tradition.

The emergence of the cult of immortal light in prayer and concrete organization is a great success.

You've just opened the circle of God's Parents, and you've got 7 years to lay down this step, to strengthen it, to organize it, to make it clear and efficient in your life on earth.

Laying down a scripture in its strength is the first step. Then it needs to be invigorated and animated, so that it radiates an energy, a force that will enable it to conquer the outer worlds, to spread, to grow and to acquire a field of life.

This notion of "field of life" must become an object of study for each and every one of you, until it becomes self-evident. A field of life is a breathing sphere, a placenta, a subtle place of exchange and radiation.

It's in this field of life that the spirits, genies and egregores potentially present in writing can take their place, receive their nourishment, develop and acquire creative power.

Understand that behind every word, every rite, every work of the Essene Nation stand spirits who now ask to manifest themselves to rule according to the holy law of God, who incarnated Himself in the statue of Light and through its cult.

You are the parents of this world, for you committed yourselves so that it could be born and live on earth. So you must act as authentic parents and respect the rule of taking care of the newborn by not feeding certain worlds that must die out and by feeding those that must illuminate and govern.

I'm telling you that the writing is perfect and that it has been laid down. There's nothing more to do.

Now you must bring the field of life to life and bring subtlety to life so that the spirits and genies who inhabit this writing can manifest and act.

If you don't stand in the right affinity, if you don't apply discipline and awaken in conscious and judicious choices, you won't give them enough to live on and so they won't be able to manifest. You'll have laid down a magnificent handwriting, a true splendor, but it will remain a dead letter.

Not only do you have to get the writing right, but then you have to animate it, bring out the subtle energy so that the spirits living within it can receive what they need to act. Once this has been done, nothing can stop the expansion of the Essene Nation, and therefore of God.

The spirits who live in the Essene Nation are pure and true. They serve the great Spirit, which is the spirit of God.

Spirits feed on what you give them, and if it's not pure, they can't receive it. Discontent, backbiting, fear, dishonesty cannot feed the spirits that serve God.

The Essene Nation is the body and reincarnation of God in your world.

It is the new church, the new bride, the new mother, the new circle of Parents that will bring about the one and only future worthy of the name for humanity and the earth.

If you welcome God's birth by offering Him counter-greens as food and field of life, then it will be perpetual discontent that will surround, rule and enslave you. There will be no way out.

Be vigilant and true. Study, wake up and straighten up.

God will not accept an offering that does not conform to who He is. That's why you need to educate yourself in the face of the scripture you've received and put down, so that the right vision enlightens, guides and transforms you.

It is God's vision that must guide and be offered in everything, for it brings life and gives power to what is true, right and good.

There is no quick fix, no magic remedy or prefabricated world that allows everything to happen without effort, without work, without self-questioning and self-transformation.

The 3 Jubilees you've gone through are to your credit, for you laid them down by bringing to earth and humanity a perfect script that allows God to reincarnate. Now it's done, and it's the subtle world, the field of life, that must appear. If you believe in this scripture, if you know how to read it, if you believe in a higher intelligence or in life greater than death, then make it appear so that it becomes your earth and your heaven.

The earth is the writing and the sky is the spirit that appears, like the genie in the lamp or the intelligence that lights up like the sun. This spirit is as subtle as understanding, but it must become an evidence, an absolute truth, a presence, a force: a field of life. This is how a spirit becomes visible. It remains a spirit, but it is real, because it is transmitted, it fecundates, it fills, it establishes its government, because it takes bodies to act in concrete life. It is like a man who receives the understanding of a thing and transmits it to others with clarity, evidence and strength. The others receive it, understand it in turn, and begin to act accordingly.

This is how God reincarnates and grows to establish a new era.

You have brought forth scripture and now, if you manage to discipline yourselves to walk the earth in conformity with the spirit of scripture, then your heaven will be alive and it will take the helm and organize the worlds so that all is realized in accordance with God's will.

Now, if you don't conform, if one day you're for it and the next day you're against it, if you change your mind according to the weather and ambient influences, if you're not stable and permanent, know that the spirit won't be able to feed itself and find support to act.

If you are stable and unshakeable, then there will be no more conflict and fighting, for the spirit will be incarnate, clear, in intimate communion with the man who knows what he wants and acts without any trouble.

When you have passed this third jubilee, you will have finalized the laying down of divine scripture on earth. The new jubilee that then begins will be that of the field of life that not only nourishes the spirit, but enables it to incarnate and conquer heaven, to rule by intelligence, evidence and power.

If you enter this jubilee, everything will come alive, everything will be active; magic will appear, spirits will manifest and you'll be able to see that the subtle worlds and scriptures of the Essene Nation are more alive and more real than anything you've experienced to date.

A new day is dawning for the earth and humanity, but let it begin by dawning for you, dear Essenes.
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