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The sacred offering before all worlds

The vitality of the elements, the power and precision of the spirits, the memory and intelligence of the genies, the collective force of the egregores... It was with all these subtle worlds within us and around us that we brought this festival of the Land of Light to the Essene Village in Panama, and thus made our offering to God.

Men and women fully present, conscious, active and creative, presenting themselves as souls in the radius of their individuality, in the truth of what they carry deep within themselves and affirming it before all the worlds, united with all the kingdoms and subtle intelligences of living nature, offering the purest of their being - this is how the Essenes presented themselves before the Archangel Ouriel, on the sacred land of the Mother.

An animist celebration in the Garden of Light is the beginning of a new education, the recognition of the Mother's great wisdom and her path of initiations that leads awakened men and women to become what they are, true Essenes. They are priests and priestesses, not augmented by technology but by all the subtlety of the worlds that live within them and with which they learn to forge living, conscious links, focusing on the precious and letting the beauty of their souls shine through.

Nothing disconnected from reality, but omnipresent living nature, the wind, the sun, the song of the river and the birds, and for the brothers and sisters, a noble and beautiful presence, a dignity, a simplicity... Small bamboo temples erected in nature to honor the elements, spirits, genies and egregores, and under the animist shelter, at the end of a mysterious path lit by torches, the joy of uniting to commune with the divine, for it is in this magical place that everything takes place: temples, conferences, workshops, even the Ronde des Archanges ceremony!

There really are no words to describe this celebration... It's a story that's been written inside each and every one of us, an incredible transformative experience, a passage, a true initiation!

If words are needed, then this celebration is magic, beauty, grandeur... an unsuspected force that propels us into another world. It's an entire nation reaching for the stars, a people asserting its nobility, its dignity, its integrity, and choosing to take with it all beings from the realm of incarnation to the world of Light.

These powerful, magical, living scriptures have just been placed in the land of Ouriel. Under the benevolent gaze of the Turtle, in great simplicity, placed on the Mother, we have just experienced a unique, grandiose celebration, marking the end of a cycle and already opening the passage towards the Jubilee, and beyond, towards a truly new world, a new earth and a new sky, truly alive, tangible through our beings and our lives...

Wisdom, clarity, harmony, authenticity, dynamism, grandeur, beauty... These virtues fly from Mother Earth to each of you. Centered in the heart of your inner cave, listen carefully, for these virtues have a message to reveal to every Essene...

For our great family, we have pronounced these vows: "May each one become what he or she truly is, unite with the vibration of his or her soul, manifest it in his or her life and find his or her place in the common work. May the Essene Nation become a united people, conscious, clear, committed to the victory of virtues, a people of souls who see themselves as souls who have come to fulfill their mission on earth and accomplish together the work of the divine world." These vows were projected into the ethers before Ouriel, before all the subtle and higher worlds for the victory of the Common Good, of the Father and Mother, for the advent of the humanity of Light.

These wishes go out to all of you. May they touch all our brothers and sisters beyond borders, and take root in the inner soil of every Essene...


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