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The skin, an organ of magical perception

In his life, man has thoughts, feelings and performs certain acts. In the end, he creates around himself a world of subtlety and coarseness.

In reality, man creates a skin that allows him to breathe and to maintain a relationship between his world and the various external worlds he may encounter and with which he can unite.

The quality of this skin depends on the way he breathes in his mind and will.

Man can live inside a skin that has no exchange, no communication with the higher invisible worlds. Or he may be surrounded by a skin that prevents him from developing the fine, subtle senses that enable contact with the intelligence and soul of living nature.

The skin, an organ of magical perception

For the Light to circulate and for exchanges with the worlds of intelligence to take place, the skin must be fine, light and its pores must be aerated. We need to work on our thoughts, feelings and willpower, so that the entire skin becomes an organ of magical perception.

The skin is protection, but it is also an organ of communication between the different worlds. It is what envelops the body, enabling it to be and manifest itself in several worlds. It is through the skin that man creates his future, his destiny, his future body.

Man's goal: to create a body of light

One of the deepest aims of man's life on earth is to create a body of Light or opacity. This body lives inside the physical body. To develop it, we need to make it breathe, to bring it into contact with regions much higher and more subtle than those in which men live, taking into account only their present, mortal body.

Through all the appearances of the world, man must seek the source of all manifestations of life, to perceive within himself and around him what is identical to the higher world. Then communication can be established through the skin, and what is above becomes like what is below, in great harmony.

The hidden jewel

The man united with the Father, with the higher realm through all his senses awakened in purity and subtlety, knows abundant life. He can live in the world of men like the hidden jewel, for his skin is protective. But it's also open to what's around it, allowing contact with both the higher worlds, the world of man, and the lower worlds, while protecting what lives within man.

This skin is not just physical

It is also spiritual, just like the eyes, ears and all the senses that are born of it and which protect man but also enable him to perceive several worlds in different levels of existence and to unite with them.

The skin is there to protect the essential in man, but also to allow him to breathe and nourish himself.

Depending on the individual's state of consciousness, the orientation of his thoughts and will, it will be a food of Light or of Darkness.

Skin is man, but also what surrounds man and the essence of his future body.

Depending on whether it takes on density or lightness, man is either imprisoned or enters the light of true knowledge and becomes a traveler in many worlds.

You who are gathered around a fire to honor the Father and Mother and place man in his rightful place, meditate on my words and understand that through your thoughts and your will you are participating in Creation, you are engendering a world that will become real, as sensitive as your skin, and in which you will have to live.

Be pure in your intentions, awaken and cultivate thoughts that elevate you, sharpen your senses, etherize your skin, enable communication in the higher worlds while nourishing what is precious in you, deep down.

May this make you stronger, more determined, more courageous and daring in the face of worlds that want to lead you towards what is false, sick and deadly.

Awaken your thinking, your senses, your will so that your skin connects you in consciousness and purity with a higher world that will structure you in a just way in the daily reality of the human world.

Volume 9 of Archangel Michael - Ps64: The initiation of the children of light

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