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Theurgic dialogue with Archangel Michael

The statue of God and his temple

Transmitted in September 2015

The following text is a theurgic dialogue that took place between Olivier Manitara and Archangel Michael in September 2015, just after the celebration of the Feast of Fire-God. The Archangel had just announced that he would pause the psalm offering and declared that the statue of God, at the center of the circle of the Ronde des Archanges, would take over. He had asked the holy assembly of Essenes to prepare for the jubilee.

The members of the holy assembly really, sincerely wanted to take the next step in the cult of "the being of the statue of God" and embark on the path of giving a body to God in purity and devotion. They were looking for funds to build a temple of Light and wanted to understand the message transmitted by the Archangels, which was becoming clearer and clearer.

It was against this backdrop that Olivier Manitara went before Archangel Michael to honor him and receive from him clarification for the people who serve God on earth for the good of all beings.

Question to the Archangel as to whether the statue of God should be consecrated by the magic of fire.

Olivier Manitara:

"Father, I come before you and your flame of life and intelligence to speak to you about the statue of God. You taught us fire magic to consecrate a stone. Is it advisable to do the same magic with the statue of God so that it becomes powerful through your fire?"

Archangel Michael:

"God is God. God is sovereign. The magic I taught you is for men who live in the world of men. This magic is to purify, to remove what is dark, to liberate and consecrate.

God is pure, eternally true, without darkness.

The statue of God that will appear in the Temple of Light is a "living being", standing in the intelligence and will of God. This being is a mystery, for He is God Himself, who takes form in all worlds, in all kingdoms, to speak with all beings.

We, the 4 Fathers of the Essene Nation, the 4 Archangels of God in His Round of Archangels, have worked with you and the holy assembly of Essenes, not to serve men or help them, but to serve God eternally. We knew it was His will to make this statue of God appear in the center of the temple, and so we passed on the psalms to the earth and mankind for many years.

These psalms are God's word, which allowed Him to take on a body through this gift, this offering from men, Angels and your Fathers, the Archangels.

God loved this offering and accepted it, and now He has revealed His form, His presence in stone, through this statue of His mystery. This statue is not a work of man, but a being impregnated, willed and born by God.

You, men, have done your part by honoring the tradition of the ancients and celebrating in purity the Round of the Archangels for years to collect the psalms and establish worship on earth, in your world. You're like parents preparing for the arrival of a newborn baby into the world; it's a whole organization, but at some point, it gets out of hand, it's out of your hands. Despite your good will, there's nothing more you can do, for this statue is the presence and power of God. It is itself animated by divine power. It is therefore not possible to perform any particular magic, for the magic of men, even the most powerful, is nothing before the magic of God. God is eternal. God reigns.

Entering the temple as pure souls, as servants of life and not of death

The only magic possible with this statue of God is to preserve the temple, to preserve the space of the Ronde des Archanges and to honor the miracle, the beauty, the splendor of this statue that appeared of its own accord in the temple, through the devotion of the Essenes, the Angels and the blessing and work of the Archangels.

Prostrate yourselves, not as vile, servile beings, but as honest, pure, true, sincere men, who turn their hearts to God, who give themselves to Him and commit themselves to serving Him and living with His word, His presence, His commandments, and walking on His path, His land, and under His sky.

Do not touch the statue, do not offend it, and do not ask it for what belongs to death and the world of men. Enter his temple of living light as souls who give themselves to the beauty and service of the psalms.

Each psalm is the body of a living spirit serving God, blessing His body and giving Him strength so He can manifest Himself in all worlds.

If you enter the temple as servants of death, the statue will close the door to life. This is the temple of life and light.

The statue is the manifestation of god in stone

Remember, this statue is the manifestation of God in stone. This is the first time He has manifested Himself in this way in your world, taking the form of the inner life of consecrated man.

This statue of God is powerful in itself, because it is God who inhabits and constitutes it. It is God who brings beings to life within it and connects it to worlds according to His will and intelligence. He has chosen beings who have, in their lives as men or in several lives, carried and honored the word of God and brought forth a stable, well-organized body to bring a particular message for a particular time. It's up to you now to bring a particular message to the world of man and earth in the name of God and in his incarnate presence in the living statue.

Place this statue in the right script, put it in the center and prostrate yourself in the service of God through the Angels, Archangels and Gods, and God will do the rest."

Question to the Archangel about putting a green stone in the statue

Olivier Manitara:

  • "Father Michael, great Archangel of sacred fire, God, eternally upright, just and faithful, may we put a stone of Archangel Raphael in the statue of God?"

Archangel Michael:

"I understand that you want to participate and that your intention is good, but I just answered that the only thing you have to do is organize the world around the statue so that God, who is connected to it, is honored in devotion.

What we Archangels have been teaching mankind for centuries is a path of wisdom, intelligence, honesty and fidelity to God. If your Father Raphael has offered you a stone of immortality, it's to open up a path for you and your fellow human beings, who live in the world of men as men trapped and enslaved to death. So Father Raphael wanted to open a path of nobility and greatness, and he revealed to you a secret, a science that has been known since the dawn of time, but which has been forgotten, because it belongs to the kings of the earth. When the kings are gone, the knowledge disappears and the path closes.

Royalty means serving God, for He alone reigns and rules eternally. We, the Archangels, the Fathers of the Essene Nation, have worked tirelessly to serve God, and it is a victory for us that His statue of the mysteries appears on earth.

Now you're free to do whatever you like, and you can place your Father's sacred stone in God's statue, but know that it won't make it any stronger. God is God. No magic of men or Archangels makes Him stronger. He is. We are at His service.

  • The difference between Raphael's green stone and the statue of God

The sacred stone was given for men who walk towards God in conscience and wisdom. Its purpose is to preserve the memory of their existence and the work they have accomplished for the Light.

It's the man on the journey who needs to save the memory and find continuity of consciousness. God doesn't need all that. When He decides that the statue is no longer animated, He will withdraw, and no stone in the world will be able to do anything, for God reigns.

The stone offered by your Father Raphael enables man to keep his memory and pass into the other world without forgetting, without losing the thread. This is wisdom and a great protection, because if you lose your memory, then what's left and who are you?

You need to develop the ability to discern between what is given to bring man out of darkness and what belongs eternally to God. Do the Essenes themselves understand the value of such a stone? I'm not sure, otherwise they would cultivate a different attitude, organize themselves to value it and live differently to generate a different memory in their lives. For memory is not about living like a mortal man, but about awakening the immortal.

The statue is divine, it is God, born of God, and carries within it the memory both of what is divine in the higher worlds, and of what is immortal in the world of men. Thus, in her, all that is pure and true in all the works done by men for God, over the centuries and centuries, is resurrected.

You can only discover these sacred mysteries of life through adoration, devotion, reading the psalms, singing the mysteries, in the temple, around the celebration of God's being present in the statue, at the heart of the Round of Archangels and the holy Essene assembly.

That's why the statue of God doesn't need Raphael's sacred stone in it, but you can put one if it strengthens your concentration; it's not negative, and you're not forbidden to want to add elements to honor the being of God in incarnation and manifestation."

Can we help those who are suffering, for example, by dedicating a place in the temple for their prayers?

Olivier Manitara:

"Father Michaël, when the Round of Archangels was established, the Archangels made gifts, like you who protected us with your ashes, Gabriel who made us invisible with his cloak, Raphaël who removed illnesses with his consecrated stone and his worship, Ouriel who granted us the kiss of peace... Can we bring help to those who suffer and are in need through the worship of Light? Can we, for example, dedicate a place in the temple for the prayers of the needy and the fulfillment of their wishes?"

Archangel Michael:

"Everything that enters the temple of the Living Light and approaches the statue of God must be exclusively for sharing, giving, devotion, offering, service to the Light and to God in purity, impersonality, universality. All beings are welcome in the temple, but we must not approach God to take, but to commune, to give, to meet, to transform, to serve, to care, to grow and become a Parent, a Sage.

If man wants to receive, if he is needy, then let him turn to the statue of Benevolence-Rigor. Let him study and apply the laws to free himself from needless suffering, to make amends and take control of his life.

We, the Archangels, have given a great number of teachings and have provided concrete elements so that man can awaken, educate himself, take his life into his own hands and emerge from the oppression of darkness and the hold of the Usurper.

Awaken, study, apply the methods and know how to be awake to seize the opportunities that come your way.

You must build a body of wisdom, and no world will do it for you. Only the wisdom that is yours will belong to you and protect you from evil and its possession.

  • The statue of Recycling and Opportunity can teach us wisdom, awaken our discernment and protect us.

Put yourself in the school of the Recycling and Opportunity statue. It will show you the value of wisdom and the body of intelligence. She will awaken the right discernment and teach you how to conduct yourself to get through trials without getting caught. It will protect you and destroy what is negative for you.

You must not be ignorant before God. Ignorance must not pass through the temple door. Study and educate yourselves out of the darkness of ignorance and deceptive light. Do not approach the Light in the garments of the false knowledge of the world of men.

The Light of God is the living knowledge and wise intelligence of God. To honor the Light is to honor the knowledge of God that enlightens, nourishes and liberates.

  • The Temple of Light is for God and his statue alone. Above all, keep the world of man out of it.

The Temple of Light is not for man, who lives under the domination of darkness and remains passive, waiting for another world to do the work for him. The Temple of Light is not there to build man's world for him. Man must study wisdom and take his life into his own hands - nothing can take that away. Then he must freely honor the Light. Not in the hope of receiving a reward, but because it is right, noble, worthy, beautiful and great.

The temple of Light is for God and his statue. It is for the worship of God. It is not a place for conflict, discussion, war, ideology, debate or begging. Man can only enter this temple to honor, commune, share, celebrate, rejoice, meet, bless, offer and reinforce the idea of God, the presence of God, the thought of God, the feeling of God, the will of God, His reality on earth through worship and statue.

Through the statue, through worship, through the Round of Archangels, God is present, alive and active on earth. God reigns. God governs. God teaches.

In the temple, there can be no place for the needy, for God does not care for the world of man who longs to live in darkness. Children must be cared for by parents who, themselves, must seek Light, intelligence and strength from His source.

God is the source of all good and all goodness. He needs a temple, an organization, a body, a field of life and strength, a concentration and a circle of Wise, benevolent people to be able to manifest Himself and radiate His presence, to establish His will.

If you want to improve your conditions of existence in the human world, that's right and proper, but it must be done with the right elements, which are study, intelligence, self-work, right understanding, discipline... Then, for those who manage to rise above the mortal world, they must organize themselves to offer God the means to live and act in the human world. In this way, they must bring into being the Temple of Light, which will be the guardian of the statue of God and thus of God Himself in His will to manifest Himself.

There is no way that the world of man, with its mountain of problems and endless waste, can enter this place of service to God. This must be made clear and established as an absolute foundation, otherwise God will withdraw and a sponge that absorbs the stains of man who spends his time soiling himself and the world will appear in its place. Such a sponge is no good and has nothing to do with the eternally sacred temple and worship of the living light and the perfect body of Light that is God's body of manifestation."

  • Can we put stained-glass windows in the temple?


Olivier Manitara:

"Father Michaël, can we put stained glass windows in the temple and, if so, what should they represent?"

Archangel Michael:

"In some temples, stained glass windows or other decorations have always been used to set a certain story, to represent certain scenes from the sacred, biblical scriptures. Very often, it was the story of man or of an era. The world of man is always trying to infiltrate everywhere in order to appear and monopolize. Man wants to show that he is great, that he participates, that he has done a special work for God, and that as such, his memory must be preserved.

The cult of Light doesn't need this history of the human world. Light is eternal, immortal, evolutionless. You can save the history of the world of men on the outside of the temple, but not on the inside.

Arrange the temple as you wish, but remember that the important thing is that the writing in the center is right: the statue of God and the cults of the 4 Fathers who surround and care for it eternally. This is the perfect constitution of man, the universe and God. This is the eternal and immortal story of God who is at the center of everything, who is the great Invisible One in all, the great soul, the great intelligence that darkness cannot perceive."

Can the writing of the infrared (the right turning of the heart) and the ultraviolet (the circle of the Wise) be represented in the temple?

Olivier Manitara:

"Father Michaël, in the range of colors, infrared represents the call of the Light, and ultraviolet is the path of transformation necessary to walk with God. Infrared represents the right turning of the heart, which enables one to enter the body of the Essene Nation, and ultraviolet is the commitment to your circle of Sages, which enables one to carry the statue of God in one's life. Can we represent this writing in the temple to show man the path he must travel in his life?"

Archangel Michael:

"It's a good teaching, it's a just science that must be studied in study circles in order to form Sages, conscious beings who understand the laws of life and apply them. Nevertheless, it does not enter into the cult of the Light, and it is not desirable to place this kind of writing around the statue of God. The statue of God is an unfathomable mystery, bearing within itself the 7 kingdoms of creation.

  • Details of temple decor

The aim of worship is not to look pretty or to put up all the scriptures that reflect man's knowledge, but to be at the service of God as He reveals Himself through the statue at the center of the Ronde des Archanges worship. Let it be sober, perfect and just, reflecting only the elements as the revelation occurred. It was the Archangels, Angels and Essenes who joined forces over the years to make this statue of God appear at the center of the circle of the round of years and universes.

What has been accomplished is beauty. This beauty is perfect and reveals the presence of God. It glorifies the past and opens a sunrise path to the future, a horizon of immortality. This is what must be at the center, like the throne of the King of kings. It's a center of strength, an Ark of the Covenant, a concentration and a global reach through relay antennas. It's a manifest height and depth, a sacred presence, a field of life. It's a place where the Angels are present through their seals, and where the worship of the Archangels is celebrated through the solemn, devotional and conscious utterance of the psalms.

The psalms are God's words and the Archangels' words to God. Thus, the Archangels, through the mouth of the consecrated priest, pronounce the words that honor God, nourish Him, bless Him, place Him in strength and victory.

God is at the center of all and within all, as the one being in all beings, the one fire in all fires, the one air in all atmospheres, the one water in all souls, the one earth in all lights of existence. This is the setting of the temple, my beloved son."

  • Request for clarification that God wanted to touch the stone

Olivier Manitara:

"Father Michaël, the first time you transmitted a psalm, it was on a stone. You said: 'Draw a sacred circle, mark out a space for the fire. Tell your pupils to honor God in the fire by feeding it with awareness, with respect, by remaining in silence and aware of gestures, by watching over it 24 hours a day. You will come 3 times a day to invoke and pray to me. You will stand in a circle before the fire and by your word, presence and gestures, you will make a body for me in the fire so that I can come and stand in the midst of the assembly on earth, in the world of men. If the body you've made suits me, I'll seal the covenant with your Angel, you and your pupils, to do God's work on earth. Three times a day, I'll leave a message on a stone you set up in the circle, for you to read and pass on as a psalm from God."

Another time, Father, you told me that God wanted to come and touch the kingdom of stones. Did all this mean to prepare this stone that has become the statue of God at the center of the Archangels' Round?"

Archangel Michael:

"When I taught you to read the psalms I left on the erected stone, or when I taught you that my purpose was to touch the stone, I was essentially talking to you about the reign of God the Mother, her great wisdom and her school of the earth.

The Mother is your foundation of existence, She is your stability and if She welcomes the message into her structure, the whole world will eventually open up to the wisdom that appears through the body of the Essene Nation. This wisdom is a new way of being in the world.

It is to touch the earth and humanity that I have associated myself with your Angel, you and the Essenes who have approached you, your Angel and me. I didn't come for you, nor for your Angel, but to serve God and touch the earth, God the Mother, and awaken all humanity to a wisdom, an evidence, a major and global awareness, a change of course.

That's what I wanted to tell you, but I know it's hard to understand, because there's such a big difference between our kingdoms. Now, the work has been done and well done, since the psalms have been collected and the statue bearing the being of God has appeared by God and in His will.

  • The statue of God is not the stone the Archangel wanted to touch, but a new sun that rises to recall the memory of the soul's immortality.

The statue of God is not the stone I wanted to touch and through which I spoke to you, for it is God and represents all that can be God on earth. It's a body under construction around a divine core. It's like the sun rising and life organizing itself around it. The sun rises and awakens all the worlds. It resurrects them and transmits to them the memory they had lost during the night. Then the worlds come back to life and activate around the central core. The sun is outside, but it's also inside. It illuminates and animates all the worlds.

So the statue of God has the appearance of a stone and a particular form, but it is a new sun that rises in the world and comes to awaken consciousness and recall the memory of the wisdom of the ages and the immortality of the soul in the great soul of God, which is the ocean of souls.

In the statue of God, all that has been God on earth will resurrect, become alive and active again, as consciousness, memory and activity can return before the sun.

The body was asleep, but now the sun rises and the body wakes up. It too rises, and memory returns. It begins to move and act. So are the sleeping, so are the awakened, so is the statue of God at the center of the Temple of Light: a new sun rising over the world, a force field, an ocean of blessings.

All beings who approach this force field and are transformed by it will form a new body that will be the new manifestation of God on earth, a new epoch, a new era, a new way of being in the world that will grow, spread as a matter of course, a joy, an opening, a path, a new destination.

The more this force field grows, organizes and structures itself, the more it will become capable of bringing a new vision, another intelligence, a transformation, a force for peaceful and happy action, without conflict, without war, without quarrel, without usurping the dark.

It is a flame that is lit, bringing its presence, its evidence, its comfort to man who, without it, was lost, poor and enslaved. He was in darkness and now he has light, warmth and life. The stone I was talking to you about was to reveal the pedestal, the foundation that can welcome this flame in order to take care of it. Of course, in the statue of God, there's the principle of the stone, but in it, there's much more, much more, because if God rises like the sun, everything will be new.

To carry this sun, we need a land, an organization. It's preparing this land I was talking about, and we've done it with you, your Angel and the holy assembly of the Essenes. Bless you for it, and now bring forth the next step until God is sovereign and can enlighten the whole world in a new vision, consciousness and will."

  • Can we duplicate the statue of God for all the Essenes who will be in the Circle of the Wise?

Olivier Manitara:

"Father Michaël, we're going to duplicate the statue of God, like the sun with its rays, so that every Essene standing in your circle of sages and parents can amplify the cult of Light by reciting your sacred psalms in consciousness, magic and realization. Thus, in all the homes of committed Essenes, there will be a sacred place connected to the great temple of Light, the statue of God and divine worship. Is this magic welcome before you in order to organize the body of God?"

Archangel Michael:

"It will be perfect when everything is implemented in a concrete way. It will give off a powerful light over the whole earth. At first it will be a flame, but eventually it will become an ocean of Light that will touch every consciousness.

The great statue of God must be placed in the Temple of Light. It must be at the center of the Round of Archangels, protected by sacred scriptures and activated by the recitation of God's word spoken by consecrated priests and priestesses instructed in the science and art of worship. Then, the being of the statue, "God's will in action", will come and make the statue of God the Radiant, He who, like the sun, enlightens all worlds and fertilizes them with His intelligence and evidence.

Each statue in the family altar will be linked to the being of God's presence in the temple and to the aura of Light. This will amplify the work and establish the sacred network for a new awareness to emerge.

  • The statue of God and Gabriel's blue veil. When should it be discovered?

Let this statue be covered by your Father Gabriel's blue veil of invisibility, so that it is protected from all that is mortal.

If the Essene wants to speak to God, he must go through the Angels, Archangels or Gods, for these worlds are intermediaries and are "accustomed" to dialoguing with men, especially Angels. Essenes can also speak with governing spirits, genies and intelligences; it's up to each individual to use the appropriate worlds.

Now, the statue of God is to be uncovered only for Worship, for devotion, the immortal, the impersonal, the pure, the self-giving, the service of God, the recitation of psalms. No words other than consecrated ones should be uttered.

We must be vigilant and careful not to make a glance, an attitude or a gesture that would make the dark appear, for the statue is God, and man must bow before God. If man does not wish to bow before God and his light, let him not place the statue in his home.

  • Who can receive God's statue?

Only those who have sworn to enter freely and eternally into the service of the Round of Archangels can receive God's statue and enter into his service. This is strict and non-negotiable, for we will not allow profaners, the unaware, the ignorant, those who think they can do or say anything in the presence of the Light.

If the statue is honored in the family altar as the home, as the treasure, then the priest or priestess must only unveil the statue in a state of purity, awareness, wisdom, discipline, respect and absolute devotion. There must be no word, no attitude, no gesture that is not an offering, a tribute, a gift, a blessing. Nothing must be asked of God; there must be only homage, ecstasy, gratitude, greatness. There is no question of man coming forward to find solutions to continue maintaining his mortal life.

Know that if God is not satisfied with prayer, offering and worship, He will withdraw from the statue and only darkness will remain. Man will then go for recycling so that he can understand through digestion what he must say before God and what he must not say. Make it clear. Put everything in place to make this absolute requirement clear."

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