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Theurgic dialogue with the being of the sole

During the summer 2010 Essene Training session, Olivier Manitara gave a fundamental teaching on working with the five senses. From July 22 onwards, Essenes were able to witness the creation of a new series of arcanas specifically for working with the senses.

Each arcana comprises three parts, enabling connection to the spirit, genius and egregore of the sense. It was on July 27 that Olivier transmitted the arcana for the sense of hearing, and it was during the creation of this sacred movement that he discovered that the egregore of this sense was incarnated on earth by a fish: the Sole.

The physical embodiment of the listening being, the Sole is the guardian of the full dimension of the sense of hearing in every being.

To purify his sense of hearing and regain its full dimension, the man who works on his five senses must not only practice the arcana of the sense of hearing, but also enter into resonance with his egregore.

This is what the Being of the Sole explained to Olivier Manitara in an extraordinary message. Comments and explanations of this message were given during the conferences of July 27, 28 and 29.

Man has done great damage. He has polluted the earth, the oceans, the subtle worlds and even himself through his fickleness and irresponsibility.

People often blame others and go to war with each other, polluting each other and increasing the force of destruction in the world.

Where is the respect for the great wisdom of the Father and Mother in man?

We, the Sole, have no more sand to take refuge in, because what was sand has become something that kills.

We don't really want to unite with man, quite simply because man no longer carries any organ corresponding to our essence, our reality in him, in us and in the universes.

Sole carries a respect for the hidden, a sense of the sacred. This must be alive in man, but today he has lost this sense. He no longer knows silence and intense life, communion with a higher intelligence through silence. He talks about everything, reveals everything, doing the opposite of what Jesus, a Son of the Sun, recommended: "Give not pearls to swine." Man gives all pearls, the precious of life, to decay and death.

Beings who lived for the sacred, who protected divine intelligence, who upheld commandments and laws have been scorned, led into weakness.

Men rejoice to say that everything has been discovered, revealed, and yet the transmission of wisdom has made men even dumber.

Everything has been profaned, and today the whole earth is polluted. The ocean is being destroyed.

We can no longer get close to mankind.

Their water has become a world where no circulation, no exchange is possible. And even if we manage to cross the water to get close to man, there's nothing sacred left in him, no sand, no organs to transmit the great wisdom and the path. Pearls have been given to swine.

All men have become capable of speaking of the Light and revealing the great mysteries, but when the words come out of their mouths, it's black magic that glorifies, idolizes and worships their god, who is an inventor, a liar, a thief.

We're telling people that they need to become aware, that they need to question themselves, that they need to do a lot of work. If this doesn't happen, everything that could have enabled them to enter a higher world will be destroyed. It is imperative that we relearn to cultivate a sense of the sacred and the will to preserve what is essential, pure and true.

As long as men, through their stupidity, their desire to exist in a false world, to have an identity, a personality, use the word in vain and give all the treasures of their lives to this liar, they will make their future a mud in which they themselves can no longer hide.

Know that I have no respect for contemporary man, that I don't cultivate a loving and understanding attitude towards him.

Olivier Manitara then asked the Sole being:

"We have been taught by the Angels that you are linked to the ear and the ability to listen and hear. In our temples, we'll be practicing a movement to cleanse and open our sense of hearing in order to move towards the higher intelligence of the Sun. Is this right? Do you accept that we invoke you with this movement?"

La Sole replied:

"I respect the Angels and understand the knowledge they have passed on to you. It's ancient wisdom for an ancient humanity that is no more. Perhaps it will return through the Essenes? I don't know.

I'll be honest with you, as long as the Essenes make this movement unconsciously, the egregore of the sense of listening won't come to man. The movement is only a key, and it's the human being who must come to the door properly prepared. Being prepared means knowing what is sacred and what is secret.

If a man practices movement as if he were eating an apple, he will have no more than satisfaction, release and well-being. But if a man wants to enter a path of Light, he must carry within him the corresponding virtue that will lead the movement to divinity.

Today, the Sole is dead to man, and the wisdom I passed on in the ancient tradition no longer has any meaning, because man has given his life to death.

Despite the practice of the listening egregore movement, this egregore will only approach those who cultivate a sense of sacredness and secrecy.

Men must learn not to speak when they do not know, for speech is a seed-bearing fruit that must be passed on only when it is perfectly constituted and fit to fulfill its role of nourishing life and carrying the seed of Tradition into good soil. Men must speak of what they know, what they have experienced, what they live and what their conscience, their Angel and their soul have confirmed to them. They must not repeat what they have heard, so as not to flout the magic of their soul, their heart, their conscience, words and all living things.

Man must learn to respect the invisible worlds.

He must disassociate himself from contemporary humanity, which as a whole regards the invisible worlds as a vague amalgam of divinities, entities of good and evil. It's all mixed up and confused, an abstraction, a superstition, a huge mess.

In ancient tradition, when the Sons of the Sun ruled and guided mankind, the alliance with the Sole was alive. Those who received its wisdom were priests and priestesses who learned the value of silence and speech control. They never uttered a word unless it was true, full of meaning, intelligence and strength, and had a soul connected to the great Soul, to the great circle of the Sun, of the sages, of the universe. They knew exactly where the word came from, where it was to go and what its mission was. Everything was well thought-out and clear, because the wise knew how to guide their destiny and protect the good of Father and Mother.

They were not unconscious beings, but were educated to be wise and responsible for everything they brought into the world. They cultivated a deep respect for sacred secrecy, for the omnipresence of angelic Light in secrecy, in silence. They knew that behind every thing, every being, every word, every expression and manifestation of life, there was a living, magical, universal world. Today, human beings no longer have access to this world, because they have polluted the invisible worlds and the worlds of the Gods with all their erroneous concepts, their superstitious beliefs, their psychology, their unconsciousness and their total disrespect.

Men have so lost their sense of intelligence, of life, of things, that they can't even tell the difference between goodness and kindness. These virtues, these worlds, no longer live with them. Men can no longer pass on the seed of truth that enables these worlds to live through the centuries and protect life. They repeat without living, without knowing, without being, thinking that abstract gods hovering above them will take care of their destiny and that by having the attitude, the word, the superstitious gesture, these same gods will come inside them to create a body for them. How could a God of Light bless someone who extinguishes all that is intelligent, wise and alive?

True life is a living link that unites without separation a higher world of eternity, the soul, consciousness, life in the body, the body itself, and the earth.

Theurgic Dialogue with the Being of the Sole

July 2010, Cookshire, Quebec

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